Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Secondary School Days

Went to Secondary School Days today with T.W.B.M, Tina to see Eoin Colfer (our favourite author and hero) at Riverside Theatre at Parramatta.

Parents took their time this morning so I was late to Cabra station, and when I got there, T.W.B.M approached me in a very scary manner. So we missed our train and had to wait for the next one that comes in 15 minutes. Saw Alena, Jolly and Vi at the station so we all caught the train together. Teased Jolly and Vi like usual and we saw an old man reading a book about iPad. <- Such a typical situation. Ahahahaha. An old man reading a book on iPads. 8D Alena wanted to take a picture but he moved. ),: 

T.W.B.M and I got off the train at Granville and caught another to Parra. We couldn't find the bus stop for the bus that we intended to catch, but lucky we saw it coming and jumped on. Made it to Riverside and was not late. Saw some people here and there and we went inside. 

The theatre was filled with high school students (as the name 'Secondary school' suggests). We were the only people that weren't from a school. So T.W.B.M and I pretended that we were teachers accompany students. *ahem* King's School *ahem*

High schoolers, high schoolers...

My awesome ticket! :'D

The first author that came on was Lucy Christopher. Her talk was very interesting and she sounds really down-to-earth. After Lucy Christopher were these two female authors. I forgot their names -awkward- J.C. Burke and Vikki Wakefield! The talk wasn't bad but I didn't enjoy it that much. I did though! I thought Lucy Christopher was a very passionate person while both J.C. and Vikki were very insightful about the feelings of an 'outcast' of a society. 

We had a one hour lunch break after this and that was when Tina came and joined us. We were lining up to get T.W.B.M's copy of Stolen signed by Lucy Christopher. She was so nice to us and T.W.B.M took a photo with her. Lucy's Stolen may or may not become a movie one day. So watch out guys, her signature will be worth heaps one day. 8D After that, Tina went to grab us seats and T.W.B.M and I walked to Maccas to get lunch. So many high school kids everywhere. 

Made it back in (just)time and it was finally Eoin Colfer's turn. I don't even know how to describe his time on stage since it was beyond awesome and I honestly don't think I can recount it as well as it really deserves. Colfer is one of the most sarcastic people you'll ever meet in life and has a great sense of humour. The whole theatre was filled with laughter. He went from bashing One Direction, to talking about his sons, biting a ring of a 5 year old and his Holy Communion experience. T.W.B.M asked him a question and he answered her too! Unlike the other authors, he didn't promote his books. He spoke about where his characters came from, which led to him talking about funny life moments. Ahahaha. :D Was so great. Better than what I expected. And and, I asked him if there was another purpose of Orion's (It's pronounced O-ryan!) appearance apart from humour. He said, he wanted to put a character in there that could be a potential 'Artemis' and someone that was hopeless to truck the story along and create complications. :D 

Before we could run to his signing session, we had -forgot his name- (Mal Peet) but he almost got sued by Jagger for defamation. Anyway, his talk was awkward and I didn't enjoy it the most. The boys sitting around me (from King's School by the way) were all shy and embarrassed. I thought it was pretty funny. He made similar awkward -mytypeof- sex jokes. (Y) Question from audience: "What inspired you to write sex in your book" Mal's answer: "Misery." LOLS. 

A very funny and dramatic person! :D

Finally it was the signing session. Colfer had the longest line (well obviously, this is the awesome mastermind that created Artemis Fowl!). T.W.B.M asked a volunteer to take a photo of us all with him. Colfer was so down to earth as well. He signed our books with it being personalised and also spoke to us all for a long time. So cool! T.W.B.M and I were in a fangirl mode the entire time! YES. OMG. WE SPOKE TO THE CREATOR OF ARTEMIS FOWL. HE'S SO FUNNY AND HDFKSF. Tina, Jess and I were like "OMG WE'RE TALKING TO EOIN COLFER!!! *Fangirling* and he was like, "I wish my family was this excited to see me." Ahahaha! And and I asked him what it was like being a full time author. He told me it was very fun and I should do it too. :D I asked him if he had a lot of free time as a author and he was like "unfortunately not. But I'm hoping I have more once I finish the Artemis Fowl series." And and and he asked if we were One direction fans. We said we weren't and he was like "Good! :D" 

Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture of Tina's signed book! ):

After this awesome event, we didn't exactly calm down from finally seeing Colfer in front of us, taking photos with us and actually speaking to him (I paraded the street with my signed book opened btw), but we left anyway. Went to Westfields and walked around a bit before we all went home.

Caught the train back to Cabra, and Tina got off at Guildford. T.W.B.M got told off by some lady who accused her of "pushing" her. That was rather.... annoying. Then T.W.B.M chilled at my place and watched me fail to clean. Great day out today and awesome to catch up with Tina.

Sleeping Momo. :3

T.W.B.M, feel free to edit this post and upload the photos! <- DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Hollow Body Les Paul Style Guitar

Say.. helloooo ;) To my new toy! 

It's a replica. Not the original.