Friday, November 16, 2012

Desktop's running smoothly again =)

So.. lately for the past week my desktop has been crashing on me. Without warning. It wasn't because I had too many things on my computer (Quite frankly, my computer is empty lol) nor was it cause by any particular program (Since it also crashed within a few seconds after I turned on the computer) To my frustration, I gave up on it and taxed my brother's laptop, where I then googled for answers. The top reason that came up, was that it was over heating. Over heating? But my desktop tower was completely cool... until I read that it could also be cause by dust. So.. I looked into my desktop (It has holes on the top for air circulation.. so dust can easily come in from there) and YUP. SOOOO DUSTY!

Today, I opened up on side and... here's what it looks like. As you can see, the fan (I think that's the motherboard fan. I have no idea lol) is completely coated in dust, it's just.. stuffed full of that thing. That layer of dust is pretty thick. Was about 2 mm of dust XD

And after a quick vacuuming..

Taadaa! MUCH better! And it hasn't crashed for nearly 4 hours now. Fan runs smoothly. After the cleaning, I finally realised that the noise from the fan was pretty loud, now I can hardly hear it :3

Thursday, November 8, 2012