Monday, April 16, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Conversation between the human and the fly

Sophia: Hence you are too pathetic.
Sophia: A disgrace in my view of life.
Sophia: A fly to be swatted.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: a fly that flew into your life
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: ;)
Sophia: Yes, only to get trampled on. Such a shame.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: a shame cause you love me too much right ?
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: ;)
Sophia: I'm sorry, did a fly try to speak just now? It seems like it's communication levels are too low for my ears to pick up.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: i had to speak like that cause in your level
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: physically as well
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: GAME ON SOPHIA!
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: MWA HA HA HA HA HA
Sophia: Oh sweet jeebus. Dear child, you do not make sense. I knew it. Flies are too low in society. Something about physically? Poor fly has lost his perceptions of depth. I wonder if he realises flies are incredibly inferior to a humans in terms of size.
Sophia: They are a mere centimeter or so in length, while, even being short, I stand at 1.5m
Sophia: You cannot go 'down' when you have been swatted to the naked earth.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: BWA HAHAHAHAAHA
i cant be swatted my something so small
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: suchas your self
Sophia: The impact must have confused that pin prick brain of yours.
Sophia: Flies with concussion. Oh deary me.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: look at this small child think she is so cinfused
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: confused*
you dont even know where you stand do you?
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: tsk tsk tsk
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: poor thing
Sophia: You're mistaken. You have forgotten that you're a fly. Please be a gentlefly and scroll up to read. You have confirmed it yourself, with what little intellect you have.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: i know i had to think like a fly just for a second so you can understand but looks like that isnt happening
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: and just saying a flea cannot hit a fly
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: just saying
Sophia: Lol!
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: thank you rob
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: water flea
Jessica Li: at least fleas suck blood
Jessica Li: flies eat shit
Sophia: Oh well I be damned xzD
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: hahahaha
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: MWA HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Sophia: But the poor fly boy. Alas, he cannot read. I have stated that I AM a human. Has he loss he's sense of sequence?
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: and poor little flea girl thinks she is human
Sophia: I said "I'll be damned" Because my darling Jess made an incredible comeback.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: tsk tsk tsk
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: lost her mind
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: hahahahaha
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: ewww suck blood wat a parasite
Sophia: Aha! He's still going on with his babberings! This will never cease to amaze me, how far a small fly would go to defend his flyhood.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong:  <<< Aha! He's still going on with his babberings! This will never cease to amaze me, how far a small fry would go to defend his flyhood.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: sorry small fry
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: wow you even forgot your size
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: thinking that you are bigger than i am
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: in both brain size
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: well size in general
Sophia: -sigh- Your lack of vocabulary and reasonings are starting to tire me. You're doing nothing but going around in circles. At least flies wake up after being dazed from getting swatted. You on the other hand, are just lying there mumbling incoherent sentences. Poor soul.
Sophia: My apologies, did I tread on your micro bomb?
Sophia: He must have passed out.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: sorry i was laughing at how delusional you are. Vocabulary and reasoning, you have no need to apologies. "I" apolgize for not using them, as much as you do. its cause i do not want them to be sucked away by some parasite. but i shouldn't be afriad of some poor waste of space who just wants a space on this earth.
Sophia: Since he has lost the perception of depth and the capability to differentiate reality from illusion, I shall place here a doll, so he can blabber on uselessly. Good lord, for you information, parasites suck blood. They can not suck out something mentally such as the skill levels of speech. At least I have the brains to stop wasting my time on a delirious fly. Goodbye, and good riddance.
Sophia: Oh poor thing.
Sophia: How I pity you so.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: BWA HAHAHAHAHA
Sophia: Lmfaoo oh Mike you suck.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: adieu to you too

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My life at Uni

So life as a pharmacy student aint so great. You go 5 days a week with 2 long ass 3 hour prac classes per week/ fortnight. Sometimes we ( Vi and I) see ppl with bikes or skateboards cruising around to their lecture rooms. Something we wish we had 1 tooo! loool man it's tiring walking between lectures. OOH I remmeber this funny incident once. ( May be funny to u guys but it wasn't funny at alll to Vi ! She gave me death stares throughout the train ride and abused me verbally, mentally and emotionally and I think even physically once ahahha )

Soo on a thursday we were happily riding our way to the uni. Vi suddenly says: Hey Jolly, where are our train tickets. ( We bought monthly tickets and the day before Vi gave me her 1 since she was too lazy to put hers away.) I froze quickly searched my bag. IT WASN'T IN THERE! I then realised that I had left our tickets in my other bag since I switched bags that day. Ohhhh Vi was not happpy ! So i sat there and schemed.. wondering what we could do. We decided to call one of our friends to ask whether or not she was on the same train. Turns out that she was already at the uni since she had an 8am start that day! We told her about our situation and she KINDDLYYY agreeed to walk back just for us ! :) How nice of her !

When we got to the ticket machine area, OUR FRIEND WASN'T THERE YET ! So we had to stand there and look awkward whilst waiting for her. There were guards there as well, which made us more paranoid. When she finally came, there was no1 else going through the ticket thing, so we waited a bit until a crowd of ppl came (which wasn't long). We went to the middle as our friend ( Jenny) handed over her ticket to me. ahahha It loooked soo shifty. ( She had a quarterly ticket) So i went through and handed the ticket to Vi. BUT IT DIDNT WORKKK DUN DUN DUUUNNN. ...................




















.................. Tune in next time for the rest of the story.