Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Time To Get Fit Again!

It's been forever since I last exercised. I have become incredibly lazy, and my stomach is no longer flat :(
As a result, I went (on ebay of course ahaha) and bought a home gym thingymabobby. At first, I was about to get the "Iron Gym" But then.. it was too bulky.. in a way.. so I went and bought the portable chin up bar.. for only $15.50!!! Odd.. it's 1am and I go buy a home gym thing. So how did this happen? It was because I was thinking about Rock Climbing, which let to Parkour. I think I might be able to partake in parkour again next sem, but then again I don't think I can.. paying for too many things monthly. With this in mind..  went and googled exercise mats.. since when I do sit ups, my back bone always scrapes the floor and it HURTS. Suck being too skinny. And one thing led to another and so, I found those door gym sets xD Here's the one I'm getting! It's not as popular as the "Iron Gym" but it will work perfectly for me :)

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