Monday, January 30, 2012

Bizarre news

I never knew that was even possible! Wow

Response to freaky dude

Their "love" is so sickening! Blehhh

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jollaye's House

So yesterday was the most anticipating event of the year, visiting Jollaye's house with some cool people. It was fun! Too bad the Mach twins couldn't come.

Walked there with Megan and when we arrived Vi was already there ;D Had a tour of Jorraye's house and then Megan and Jollaye started their Pokemon, music and Ben 10 dealing. While Megan was still dealing, the three of us then started playing DS. I was a boss in Mario Kart (H) and then afterwards we played Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games. But DS started getting boring so we played hide and seek.

Jolly's house is the best ever place to play hide and seek in! Awesome I tell you! Especially that basement! Basically, everyone had a go to seek so it was fair. But Vi sucks! D: I was sitting in that little corner behind the couch for God knows how long. It was when Sophia arrived that I had to come out.

Afterwards, we ate lunch and played a bit of table tennis after cleaning up. Then we crashed the sexy Jolly's room and played snap. And I lost hmph. My punishment was to "walk" 100 steps on the treadmill. But I kept nagging to watch Smurfs so we postponed that. Watched Smurfs! How disappointing, I had high hopes for that movie too >=(

After Smurfs, I had my punishment and the others played more table tennis. Afterwards we played hide and seek. Sophia is too good for that game. Looking for her was the hardest thing ever. After that Jolly's dad drove Megan to Stockies and the rest of us to Cabra.

And that was my first (and won't be last) adventure at Jolly's mansion 8D

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rest In Peace Hammy.

You have been a great exotic pet. Although you were only with us for 11 months, every time I walked pass your sleeping face, it makes me smile. You were so sweet, curious, soft and fit :')

It was extremely unfortunate that you passed away, but you will always be remembered! It was a sad moment, but I'm glad I was able to keep you company until you took your last breath. I will miss giving you little massages and rubbing your cheeks, which you loved very much.. :(

Rest In Peace. I love you. We all love you <3

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My day at city with mum

Sooooo todayyy I went to the city to the wholesalers with mum. When we got there we walked and walked and walked from 1 store to another. At one point, one of the sales person said I looked 13 or 14 LMAOO welll aint that nice of them. I hear that all the time. Then later we tried to go into this building that we have never been in before to see if there were more wholesalers there. We decided to work our way down starting from the 8th floor. So like there was nothing on the 8th floor so we quickly went back in and went down to seven. However instead of going out with mum, I decided to stay in the elevator and get out if she told me to. Suddenly the DAMNNN ELEVATOR DOOR CLOSED! and then sent me straight to level 1 automatically. I panicked cause it took me by surprise and went back up to level 7. When I got there mum wasn't there ! SO I had to go each level down to check to see if my mum stood waiting there. At 1 point she called me but I couldn't hear her. I decided to give up and go back to level 1 to wait for her. When the door opened she was there! man that was a shit and creepy elevator.

Well anyways later I finally found the knee-length jeans I have been looking for! We walked some more, shared a slurpy and went back to cabra. My feet were sooooooo sore and my mum still had to go to several other places to buy stuff. I took what ever opportunity I had to sit down and rest my frail frail old body ! ahahh Then later .. this damn pigeon swooped down low and pooped on the plastic bag near me ! IT NEARLY GOT MEEE! and it even swooped low! I bet that damn bird was aiming for me ! LOOOL :@ I had to rip that side of the handle off since the bird shit was there. I went back to the shops and told my dad. He laughed at me and said that I should consider myself lucky that it didn't get my head. I then realised that I had lost the 35 bux that was in my pocket! THAT COULD BUY ME LIKE 3 BOWLS OF PHO!ahaha not very lucky at all :(

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Writing up my resume..

So for the new year I have decided to look for a job.

I just thought I'd like to share my objective,

I am seriously bored LOOL

(Just joking)

I'm a good girl I am :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Shu and Inori Lineart

I have finished the lineart for my wall paper :)

Shu and Inori from Guilty Crown.

dA link :

Now I just need to colour!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR :D the fireworks were a bit disappointing... I expected the ending to be more dramatic, kinda boring throughout :L