Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jollaye's House

So yesterday was the most anticipating event of the year, visiting Jollaye's house with some cool people. It was fun! Too bad the Mach twins couldn't come.

Walked there with Megan and when we arrived Vi was already there ;D Had a tour of Jorraye's house and then Megan and Jollaye started their Pokemon, music and Ben 10 dealing. While Megan was still dealing, the three of us then started playing DS. I was a boss in Mario Kart (H) and then afterwards we played Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games. But DS started getting boring so we played hide and seek.

Jolly's house is the best ever place to play hide and seek in! Awesome I tell you! Especially that basement! Basically, everyone had a go to seek so it was fair. But Vi sucks! D: I was sitting in that little corner behind the couch for God knows how long. It was when Sophia arrived that I had to come out.

Afterwards, we ate lunch and played a bit of table tennis after cleaning up. Then we crashed the sexy Jolly's room and played snap. And I lost hmph. My punishment was to "walk" 100 steps on the treadmill. But I kept nagging to watch Smurfs so we postponed that. Watched Smurfs! How disappointing, I had high hopes for that movie too >=(

After Smurfs, I had my punishment and the others played more table tennis. Afterwards we played hide and seek. Sophia is too good for that game. Looking for her was the hardest thing ever. After that Jolly's dad drove Megan to Stockies and the rest of us to Cabra.

And that was my first (and won't be last) adventure at Jolly's mansion 8D