Thursday, September 29, 2011

Zomgg, just got hersheys chocolate from costco today.

Its soo goood XDD It just melts in your mouth.

1.47 kg of choc! XD im gona become a fatty.
My favourite is milk chocolate with toffe and almonds :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Breaking Dawn

Coming out on the 18th of November! Can't wait! XDD

There's a thin line between the dark side and the light side.

Baby tonight. ~(8)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Angela's belated 18th surprise birthday outing

Soo the day started with Linda picking me up at almost 6, when she said 5.30! :P Quote by Michelle when she called me: "Vi, get out now" ==' Howw rude. So I came out and boarded the death trap hahha Jokes :} Linda's driving skills... was unique :L She drove over roundabouts instead of going around it and also drove in the middle of the road. We then drove to Angela's house to pick her up, Michelle: "Hey Angela, can you come out now, we're outside your house" LOOL How different is her tone towards Angela compared to her attitude towards me >__> It was around 6 something then and it was getting dark, so Linda had to turn on her headlights. But unfortunately, it wasn't working LOL. Only the high beam lights were working, and we couldn't drive around with high beam or else we'll blind everyone. Soo... we drove around in the dark without headlights and went to Linda's friend's house hoping he could fix it. He got it in one go. Linda didn't push in or turn something so the headlights didn't turn on. Looking stupid, we departed and drove to Santo's. Went into the restaurant and waited for others to arrive. Soon after, Slim, Angela and Tracey arrived. Spent around 2.5 hrs in the restaurant, with most of that time waiting for people to arrive.

After dinner, we went to bowling! That was funn :) We only had time for one game because it was around 9 something then and it was getting late. Being a superstar at bowling, I of course was leading :) Towards the end, everyone got jealous with my awesome bowling skills and they decided to hide the green balls ==' Which were the balls that I always used. Soo.. I had to make do with the other balls, I chose a heavier ball. That was fail, I only ended up knocking one pin down :( Ah wells, it was a fun night :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Something more interesting than HEY SAY JUMP !

Ahemm! *clears throat* Well today was supposed to be a relaxing saturday at home, chillin with my computer.... BUT, I had to go to a surprise party thang for my retiring chinese teacher.

I walked to the library in the morning whilst waiting for my friend to pick me up. I called Jessica like before i left my shop, and she said she was 'walking to the library now.' Bulll to the shit. I got there before her ! (my shop is like near gloria jeans) *shakes head* AI ya Jessica is suuchh a slow walker !

Well I sorta attempted to write short notes for Billy Elliot but Jesssicaaa wouldn't stop talking. I understand why Stefani says it's hard to study with us. and what did she talk abt ?? you guessed it ! BEBE ! her 'boyfriend' who is a girl. *Ai ya Jessica is so sad* She then nagged me to post something ... so here u go Jessica! are u happy ? :)

My friend finally came and I left Jessica to study ALLLL BYY HERSELF ! (muahahahaha)
The surprise thang was held at Auburn RSL. The teachers and little kids performed-singing and dancing, it was quite amusing to see actually ahaha. It was especially funny when they were dancing to 'I want nobody but you', which was a chinese version.

After that there was a buffet lunch, which mainly consisted of azn food. But there was icecream at the end ! :) Oh yea then later I went to the toilet and as i was walking back out.... some person in the cubicle chucked a number 4 uhhh! Looks like the food they ate didn't mix well.

So that's the end of my rant.. tell me guys ... was my post more interesting to read than Jessica's ??

- Short and succinct, not a long essay.
- Something people can relate to.
- And AWESOME cause I wrote it. :) :P

Friday, September 23, 2011

Graduation tomorrooowww

and it's like 3am and I'm still awake. Sooo gonna fall asleep during graduation tomorrow. :B But I guess it's just a day where I go and get my shitty report. And yeah, it's the end of high school. Evidently it hasn't hit me yet. Lolols.


Thursday, September 22, 2011


Megan went to cabra with me after Bio Stuvac, and we visited the fish shop, and spent half an hour there... I was struggling to make a decision because I couldn't take my eyes of one particular Betta... Although he is the same type as Fire (Crowntail) He was... SO SEXY! So, I bought him. I do not have a tank for him, so for now, he'll have to make do with the biggest take-away I could fine, at least it's heaps bigger than the ones the shops keep them in. Anyways, he can swim up and down in this one :) Happy fella, he's more active than Fire! And yeah, Megan named him Water, cause he's mostly blue :)

After this, we went to Eva's Nail Salon (Family friend's) and Megan got her nails done! =D I stayed with her for 2 hours there, then I had to leave her because my dad was there :(

Jenga's cats and dogs. :3

Patrickkk!! <3

Yuki <3

Florence <3

Ryutaro <3

Stella <3

David <3

Tania (mummy cat) <3

And of course, 

There's more but I didn't get the chance to take pictures of all of them. THEY WOULDN'T SIT STILL! (You need to train these super models Jenga!)


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Here's the Crowntail Siamese Fighting Fish!! And my new tank setup :) I'd like to say.. THANK THE HOLY PILLOWS that Fire is a nice boy. He's getting along fine the male guppy, which means guppy can stay!! =)

- Incarii

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Graduation Mass 2

LOLL @ at Marion blowing HOT wax on Natalie's leg hahhaha

What a pleasant evening! :)


Smile! Don't know how? Just copy this li-oOl doggie =)

Monday, September 19, 2011

1st Post!

First post of this blog!

It was yr 12's last full day of school today! It was a relaxing, enjoyable yet sad occasion for us school leavers. The day started with the graduation mass rehearsals, which we had to repeat multiple times. Then we moved to homerooms for last farewells and homeroom party with our young ones and teachers. It was fun and joyous experience, seeing them gathered together again for the last time. In my homeroom, we actually had a decent amount of food this time :L In previous years there weren't that many people who brought food haha. They even signed our cards and wrote messages, which were not done for the previous year 12's; so we felt pretty special :D Next was recess - presented our math teacher with our second present for him which was photoframe of us.

After recess, the entire grade had to line up in alphabetical order and practice the entry into the hall. After three attempts, we were finally allowed to have our FREEE LUNCH ! It was a very pleasant experience as we ate with our friends and mucked around.

At around 1:30pm, we started to seat ourselves in the hall as the assembly commenced. After that, the grade walked out the hall screaming like crazy baboons and bawled their eyes out. It was filled with much love and warmth and everyone embraced each other.