Monday, September 19, 2011

1st Post!

First post of this blog!

It was yr 12's last full day of school today! It was a relaxing, enjoyable yet sad occasion for us school leavers. The day started with the graduation mass rehearsals, which we had to repeat multiple times. Then we moved to homerooms for last farewells and homeroom party with our young ones and teachers. It was fun and joyous experience, seeing them gathered together again for the last time. In my homeroom, we actually had a decent amount of food this time :L In previous years there weren't that many people who brought food haha. They even signed our cards and wrote messages, which were not done for the previous year 12's; so we felt pretty special :D Next was recess - presented our math teacher with our second present for him which was photoframe of us.

After recess, the entire grade had to line up in alphabetical order and practice the entry into the hall. After three attempts, we were finally allowed to have our FREEE LUNCH ! It was a very pleasant experience as we ate with our friends and mucked around.

At around 1:30pm, we started to seat ourselves in the hall as the assembly commenced. After that, the grade walked out the hall screaming like crazy baboons and bawled their eyes out. It was filled with much love and warmth and everyone embraced each other.

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