Thursday, September 22, 2011


Megan went to cabra with me after Bio Stuvac, and we visited the fish shop, and spent half an hour there... I was struggling to make a decision because I couldn't take my eyes of one particular Betta... Although he is the same type as Fire (Crowntail) He was... SO SEXY! So, I bought him. I do not have a tank for him, so for now, he'll have to make do with the biggest take-away I could fine, at least it's heaps bigger than the ones the shops keep them in. Anyways, he can swim up and down in this one :) Happy fella, he's more active than Fire! And yeah, Megan named him Water, cause he's mostly blue :)

After this, we went to Eva's Nail Salon (Family friend's) and Megan got her nails done! =D I stayed with her for 2 hours there, then I had to leave her because my dad was there :(

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