Sunday, September 25, 2011

Angela's belated 18th surprise birthday outing

Soo the day started with Linda picking me up at almost 6, when she said 5.30! :P Quote by Michelle when she called me: "Vi, get out now" ==' Howw rude. So I came out and boarded the death trap hahha Jokes :} Linda's driving skills... was unique :L She drove over roundabouts instead of going around it and also drove in the middle of the road. We then drove to Angela's house to pick her up, Michelle: "Hey Angela, can you come out now, we're outside your house" LOOL How different is her tone towards Angela compared to her attitude towards me >__> It was around 6 something then and it was getting dark, so Linda had to turn on her headlights. But unfortunately, it wasn't working LOL. Only the high beam lights were working, and we couldn't drive around with high beam or else we'll blind everyone. Soo... we drove around in the dark without headlights and went to Linda's friend's house hoping he could fix it. He got it in one go. Linda didn't push in or turn something so the headlights didn't turn on. Looking stupid, we departed and drove to Santo's. Went into the restaurant and waited for others to arrive. Soon after, Slim, Angela and Tracey arrived. Spent around 2.5 hrs in the restaurant, with most of that time waiting for people to arrive.

After dinner, we went to bowling! That was funn :) We only had time for one game because it was around 9 something then and it was getting late. Being a superstar at bowling, I of course was leading :) Towards the end, everyone got jealous with my awesome bowling skills and they decided to hide the green balls ==' Which were the balls that I always used. Soo.. I had to make do with the other balls, I chose a heavier ball. That was fail, I only ended up knocking one pin down :( Ah wells, it was a fun night :)



    I don't think I'll ever want to get onto Linda's car now.

    Superstar at bowlingggggggggg *bows in respect*

  2. Ommgg, I thought you meant 6am in the morning. Ahahaha. I was like O___________O.
