Wednesday, December 21, 2011

At Last..

So, my dad bought me Windows 7 Professional, and he was still too busy to fix my computer and all, so I went ahead and did it. Well, now I can use my comp again, but since it's been reformatted, I have to re-download and reinstall EVERYTHING all over again =/

I wasn't able to extract my files from my corrupted account soo.. it's all gone, but it's ok. I can live :P

It's also the first time I tried out my webcam, the one Michee bought for my 18th! It's soooo epic! I love it! My brother came home today, and he bought me 2 Christmas presents ;) Killzone 3 and Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood!! Sooo happy!

There's still a lot to do on my computer, but at least I no longer have to wait until it's 8pm everynight to borrow my little brother's. ALSO, I CAN PLAY MY GAMES AGAIN! The only game I was able to play for the last few weeks was OMGPOP, and really, after a while it gets reeaaallllyyy boring!

Looking forward to tomorrow and Friday :) I better clean my fish tank when I get home tomorrow, they don't look very happy...

OH YEAHH!! And a BIG progress with Hammy! I can scratch him now!! He moves his head to one side so that I can scratch his cheeks :3 so cuteee!! And Prince Checkers is loud as ever. He continues to learn and copy/whistle sounds of other birds, but he just won't learn the wolf whistle!! One day for sure...

On a side note.. my allergies are back. I went out and ate seafood with my parents, and forgot to take medication, now my skin is reeeaalllyy bad and extra sensitive :( I must be carefull...

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