Sunday, December 4, 2011

My Nightmare

Well last night I had this nightmare that seemed to go on forever. Remember when I said that these people tried to break into my grandmothers house? Well this is how the dream started.
(Btw this is long so .. hang in there when u are reading it ! :D)

I was at this airport-looking place with the police, where they caught one of the dudes and tied him up. We were confronting him and I asked him questions regarding the other 2 ppl. Obviously he didn't respond and was fidgeting... trying to break loose. The cops did an uber crappy job in tying him .. so he sorta broke free. I tried to stop him from getting away by grabbing and pulling one of his arms. Then he used the other hand to reach into his pocket and grabbed a pocket knife. He slashed my hand and ran away.

The cops ( in this brown uniform :S ) and I ran after and followed him. We were sorta behind... but could see him through the large windows. We then concluded that he ran into a nearby train station.

I saw him standing near 2 other men. They wore identical hats. One was skinny and Aboriginal and the other 1 was huge and scary looked a bit like the hunchback of Notre Dame. (But he wasn't that hunchback) Well anyways I told the cop that the criminals were there and I tried to follow the other 2. They were walking up towards these stairs and I followed them, whilst getting out my phone to take a pic of them for identification. They noticed and started coming back down. With every stride they took, there would be this loud thumping sound ... like giants walking. I got scared and started running near the lone cop, asking for back up. they cornered me and I ran for it.

I was with another person but I forgot who it was. Well anyways, I think the bad guys called for reinforcement or something and there were ppl shooting at me and the person I was with. We crawled through these boxes in a factory place and hid. They continued to shoot and blow up the place. It was sooo scary! This random guy partially crashed his car into the pole near where were hiding and offered to help and drive us out. BUT FOR SOME STUPID REASON WE REJECTED ! He simply said okay then ... smiled and gave us two 5 dollar notes then drove off loool wth ?

Somehow we escaped it and ended up in a car with my mum. She was driving us through this desert area. She claimed that she was driving me to the area I first saw the criminal? :S I then realised that she was sending me to my death. Where the gangs or those ppl were gonna capture and kill me. I was confused and pleaded my mum to not 'deliver' me like a meal for them! Soon, she felt guilty and like tried to ask for help from.. ppl who knew us. But they rejected.. so i didn't have anyone drive me back.

We ended up in a clothes store.. looks like the 1 we had before. Then my mum disappeared and Jessica Li's parents appeared at the front of the store.. like shop owners ahahha. Well i was around the back thinking of what to do when I heard this big lady talking on the phone. WHO EVER THAT WAS TALKING TO HER WAS TELLING HER TO FIND ME AND GET ME TO THEIR AREA. I got sooo scared so I tried to hide. Later when she moved, I went to look outside and she was near her big black 4-wheel drive. She noticed me and marched into the shop. I was petrified, thinking : " SHIT I GOT SPOTTED" I ran into the shop and sorta rolled into a ball whilst covering my face, hoping she wouldn't see me. But she did. She came and sorta tapped my arm really hard, trying to pull me. I pretended I was a child and starting crying loudly. ( Like WAHHHH) And then I used one hand to hold onto Jessica's mum so that the woman couldn't take me. After a while, she left. Slowly, I checked and saw her 4-wheel drive driving off into the distance. *Phew* I thought.

I shouldn't have spoke sooo soon! :( When I check again, the 4-wheel drive was like picking up some henchmen. OHHH NOO OTHEY WERE BACK FOR ME ... WITH BACK UP :( I ran outside to this open area.. and out of nowhere I had a gun. I started shooting the men who came continuously from every direction. The ones that got too close, I shanked them. ( stabbed with the knife that I had)

Eventually, there were less ppl ,..but there was one guy wearing a suit and JUST WOULD NOT DIE. ! i TRIED SHOOTING HIM with a pistol, sniper .... YET HE WOULDN'T BUDGE. This was really creepy and eventually I KILLLED HIM! (SUCCESSS) Then the dream ended as I became relieved.

Quite a vivid dream! And sorry for the long recount.

Lesson learnt: This is what happens when I play 3 hours of call of duty 3 with my cousin. It really got into my head!


  1. woww it sounds just lik one of those regular shooting games hahha tsk tsk.


    AHAHAHAHA Nice to know my parents had a cameo in this

  3. Yea ur parents were really nice in my dream LOOOLL

  4. LOOOL Now we know why its M15+ I can use this as an example to keep my bro away from games like this :P
