Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dance Practice!

After days, weeks and months of neglect, the deadline came up faster than we thought. Michee and I must practice! We practically nearly forgot the whole dance routine! D:

So, I was planning to go to Michee's house around 12, but thanks to the Sleeping Prince Roger, I went there around 2pmish.. Ok I'm so tired and sweaty, been practicing just then to get all the moves down. Time to sum it up in dot point!!

  • Went into Michee's room. I LIKE IT! The walls were pretty cool. She has really nice paper chibi block head thingymabobby... SO CUTE! :) I didn't realised until she pointed it out, but her room is quite girly! Light purple-ish walls :3
  • Her cousins were sleeping in the living room, so she suggested the garage. Took my socks out (It's near impossible to dance barefoot) and wore it on! Garage was good, and slippery. I stacked it a few times ahaha.
  • We practiced over the parts that we always get wrong. Seriously, its not THAT easy lol. Had to critically analyse each move until we were able to produce it for real.. -sigh- such a mission. I also brought my incompleted fursuit head over so I can practice breathing in it while dancing. Very very difficult :P
  • Her mummy came in and looked at Michee and asked her "Ask your friend if she is hungry" and I was like.. right there.. Don't I look viet? LMAO So she left to buy medication because Michee's bro was sick. Later on, she came back and bought chicken and chip. Michee and I shared ;D
  • Errrrmm.. Her dad came back so we moved back inside. Used the living rooms since the little kids woke up. Ahaha I was wearing my unfinished head and the little girl was scared of it :) It made me happy though, that they were all able to tell it was a dog! :')
  • More practice.. so tired. Lots of water. Pee (ok maybe you didn't need to know what but oh well) Her bro was watching us at one point, and I think he was trying to do it too ahahah. 
  • SO, after too much practice, we stopped and played DW4. The most annoying thing is.. I COULDN'T GET ON THE HORSE! Michee told me I have to get behind its ass, then press x (jump) to get on.. but whenever I pressed x I jump OVER the horse omg. I was getting irritated lol. And stupid guards keep attacking me so I couldn't concentrate on getting near the horse's ass.. =3= So, after about 2 games of that, Michee took out the box of games so I can pick something, and we played a skating game. Forgot what it was called lol. I like it :)
  • Called my bro at 8pm, FINALLY, after MONTHS, I was able to hand Michee her 2 manga. Dengeki Daisy 7 & 8. And I got my Pocket Sudoku and the book Black Beauty from her!
  • Went home, get on msn and skype.. wasted some more time, then I went into my parents room to practice again. They have the massive built in wardrobe mirror, very very helpful!
  • I sweated some more.. lots more.. now I need a shower. 
Ok you know whta? This isn't really dot point is it? Story of my life. It's more of a huge ass paragraph. I'll see her tomorrow! =)


Yes? No? Well who cares. just do these tests :)

When ever I'm bored, I always look for personality and behaviour tests online :O Here's the link! There's some.. pretty.. interesting tests on there too! I did the nerd and geek one, and I was too dumb Q.Q

Thursday, February 16, 2012


If you're wondering why I didn't go on the net for the past week it was because my holiday actually included going to China which I didn't know about. Roflololol.

Right now, I am in an inn in Hong Kong, using their computer. It's out in the lobby so that means I have to constantly look over my shoulders to make sure no ones looking over it. Roflolololol.

And yeah. To which ever asshole told me to blog about my holiday, you're an asshole. Knowing that I have a shitty memory I ended up bringing a 'journal' with me to write down shit along the way.

But like, it's less of a journal and more of a rant book. Hahahaha.

Anyways, my China trip consisted of:

-Smokers and face masks
-Smoking in the mist
-Early mornings and late nights
-Squat toilets
-Using a fucking squat toilet
-Rants from an extremely spoilt brat from an extremely spoilt country
-Jaywalking being completely legal (and encouraged)
-Shit traffic
-Checking out dudes out for the very first freaking time. (Sexy acrobatics)
-In door smoking
-More rants.

So yeah, I'll probably only type up the China part of my trip (for now) so if you're interested, it's available in the closest book store near you. Only $19.99

Loljks, please bitches, my stuff is priceless.

Just check my other blog and I'll type it all there. Meow.

I miss my cat. And home. Hoot. Hoot.

Like, I know not everyone shares my values and morals but sometimes I wish certain people did.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Braces off!

Welll since Jessica told me that the blog was dead and that I should write something .. I'll write something now JUST TO MAKE HER HAPPY !

Today I went to take my braces off. What the dentist did was literally use a plier, grab hold of my braces and RIPPPPED IT OFFF ! ONE BY ONE ! hahaha how dramatic. Well it didn't really hurt. Only a few teeth at the front hurt since it was more sensitive. Next he had to remove the glue. He had an assistant next to me sticking a saliva sucking tube in my mouth. At one stage she unconsciously jabbbed the plastic tube too hard and it hurt my gums :( Later.. I think she angled it weird orrr I was salivating like crazy, allowing sprinkles of saliva to like fly up in the air and hit my face. Man it was annoying ! Being showered on by your own saliva :( euurg gross! Nottt coool!

After making a mould for my retainers I was done. Now the inside of my mouth feels slimy ...ahahha The End !

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rosy's early burfday.

So like, I'm going Hong Kong on Monday and that means I'll miss Rosanna's 18th birthday.  So today Rose had a mini gathering at her place with Jenga, me and the sister.

The sister and I arrived at around 3 and we took out a puzzle to build. Mind you, Jenga bought me that puzzle on my 10th birthday or something and us four have been working on it since. :B IT'S BEEN 8 LONG YEARS.

Later on Jenga goes "WHY IS THIS PUZZLE SO HARD? WHO BOUGHT IT?!" and everyone screams "YOU!"

Rose plugs laptop into tv. Use Tv as big screen. Super cool.

So yeah, took out puzzle and builds. Jenga was not here yet btw. Used this as our advantage and listened to some pop songs before Jenga comes and bombs us with her stuff.

And then I left to go shaolin to sell some textbooks/notes to my shaolin friends. Left at around 5, came back to Rose's house around 6:20pm.

Outside of Rose's door, I heard Jenga's horrible voice TALKING ABOUT ME. :O

And then stuff happened.

We watched stuff on youtube and ate and stuff.

And then we trolled Rosanna's facebook. :3

And then...


I went home at like 11 or something. And yeah.