Sunday, October 9, 2011

Angela's Birthday Party

Went to Angela's birthday party today! (Fellow blog crew members Jolly and Sophia were also present). It was so fun and tiring.

Rocked up at around 12.30 after church and Michee, Jolly, Sophia, Sa and Jdang were already there. Lindo came not long after me. In the middle of the living room there was a huge pile of notes (English, Geography and Economics). I had to sort through them all because Jdang were giving them to me and Brittany.

Went to eat, the food was so nice! I especially loved the pasta. I wore wedges today so I was trying to compare my height with Sa. We'll compare again during formal. I sat on a really small chair, so Sophia was above me.

After eating we went back inside to play Wii. I wasn't allowed to play until I sorted out all the notes. Lovely Jdang was nice enough to help me go through them all.

Started playing Mario Kart! As usual I suck. Lindo and I were in a team and we both kept losing. First I started blaming the characters because they weren't good enough for me, but later I came up with the excuse that I was just "cruising around."

After Mario Kart we played a game called something something Brawl. It was basically just keyboard smashing. I sucked too and my character was Jigglypuff who's supposed to be.... awesome? Then Sa disappeared off to go to church.

I was on a roll for tennis on Wii Sports though. Apparently I was dangerous and extremely aggressive? My arm is so sore right now. During then Therese arrived so we went outside to eat again (or should I say, watch her eat). We all talked a bit, it's nice to catch up. But Lindo had to go :(

Back inside and it was cake time. The cake was so yummy! Angela has the sweetest family ever! Everyone is so nice. Took photos and stuff. Jdang was given a son called Timothy (balloon blown by me and given to life by Alena). Then I was bored and started getting balloons and spanking people with it. Except to Sa, Angela and Michee, can't mess with them.

Overall, my arms hurt and I had a very great day! So nice to catch up with everyone after graduation :D

Sophia's Edit: When Jessica and Jolly left, the rest of us had more nibbles on the food, where we talked and complained about the hsc, especially about english orals how the teacher's were being subjective instead of objective (For the advance classes) We then went back inside and played DANCE CENTRAL on Angela's cousins xbox? I think it was his. Iunno.. BUT IT WAS FUN! Didn't join in at first because I didn't want to look like a fool, but then everyone was having a go so I went, and we got Therese to dance! You guys missed the highlight of the night lmao! It was epic! I want that game now.. it's not xbox exclusive, and there's a high chance it'll come out on ps3 hehehehe ;D

Oh, there was one time when Jess made me laugh so much, part of the cake from my mouth fell onto Jolly's thighs, where she described it was "moist and wet", which then nearly made Therese lost her appetite (I think) AHAHA I took a tissue and furiously cleaned her thighs, where she then stated something along the lines of me harassing/feeling her thighs? Iunno. You can edit it Jolly LOL.

That cake was DAMN NICE!


  1. ahem! just so every1 knows .. JESSICAA WENT AROUND SPANNKING AND.. doing ... disturbing thangs to ppl. To the point that ppl (even Alena) started to move away from her LOOOLLL.

    OHH and we used the power of static electricity to stick like 3 balloons on Jessica's head at the same time :D that was fun ahahhaha

  2. You wore wedges? D: Did you trip?

  3. Nope :D Wedges are sooo nice to wear, it feels just like normal shoes!


  4. So Sophia started rubbing Jolleh's thigh and it made her moist and wet?

    I see. ;D

  5. ahhhh nooo LOOOLL THE CAKE WAS MOIST AND WET... geez kitty are u speaking from experience ??;) since sophia went over to ur house .. and u got some 'alone time' ahaha ?


    ... are you jelly? LOL!

  7. LOOOOLLl nop nottttt at allL! :P

  8. Don't let Jessica see this Sophia... O___O lololols
