Saturday, October 22, 2011


AWW YEAHHH! This is only the front. I'll work on the back and sides once I get my hands on photoshop, and preferably after exams are over :)

Wondering what this is? It's a reference for my fursuit. I'll be making her in December. Yes, the Border Collie is a girl, and her name is Coliander, my character =) 
Ok so Coliander doesn't look female, I'll probably add like.. a bow somewhere after I finish making her.. or something like that. She's a puppy btw XD Hence the big eyes and puppy-like head ^^ (Doesn't show her tail cause it looks weird lol)

You guys can check out my dA, but there's not much stuff on there :3

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes, simply fascinating, I sey. *swishes glass of red wine* *strokes beard*

    Perhaps it would look more feminine with longer lashes?
