Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cityrail Catastrophe

Soo this morning I was suppose to catch the train to ffld at 9.14am, which i missed because I was taking my sweet time to get ready and didn't keep an eye on the time. I stayed home until 9.25 (was suppose to go a bit earlier but I was walking around in my home... doing god knows what :L) to get the 9.32 train. I powerwalked/jogged to the train station and quickly bought my ticket. I quickly looked down from the bridge to see if any train was coming and didn't see any. So I walked down the bridge to the other side of the station a bit slower with more ease and was relieved when I saw the time 9.31 on the platform. I was standing.. and standing there waiting for the train but no train came at 9.32 But there was one that came at 9.38 and I thought that the train I was suppose to catch came late, so I got onto the train thinking that it was the right one (without checking >__>). Just a bit before the doors closed, the intercom announced: "Next stop Carramar" I WAS  :O But I tried to think optimistically and convinced myself that the train would stop at ffld. But noo... after Carramar, it was Villawood ==' Then I knew it was definitely not the right one. Aigoo... After the train stopped at Villawood I got off and went straight to the train timetables. Unfortunately there was no train that went directly to ffld so I had to goo all the way back to cabra again! Where I started. ==' I was soo pist, wasting so much time because the train to Cabra required a 20 min. wait >:{

After the train finally came, I got on and headed to Cabra. The train stopped on platform 1! and THe train to ffld on platform 2 was already nearing and preparing to stop. So as soon as the doors opened I sprinted like a maniac to the other side of the station. Fortunately, there were a lot of ppl getting on the train soo it didn't leave straight away. I managed to get on just in timee before the doors closed :) (Also didn't check where this train was going to, just assumed because there were a lot of ppl getting on, haha I just never learn my lesson :P)

1 comment:

  1. Wow. :| Sounds like a big mess. Lols. Dw bro, I suck at reading train timetables. (And I often pick the wrong trains until someone corrects me)
