Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Annoying calls

Well recently and especially today ... there have been many phone calls to my house. Today there was abt 4 calls, 1 was a family member.

On the 4th call, I had just finished lunch and went to pick it up. I heard nothing on the other line, said hello like 2 or 3 times then hung up. As soon as I hung up, they called again. So I picked it up and said hello again- but no reply. I got agitated but decided to keep my cool. Instead of hanging up, I held the phone and waited for them to hang up ... after realising that their prank did not work ( ie. did not get the desired response)

They call another time and I decided to stay silent for a few seconds then said: "Oh you can keep calling and waste your money. Don't worry I have all day."

After that, they never called again.

Owned :)



    People that prank call are so shitty at it. Once, a group of assholes pranked called us. They called the first time, stayed silent and I could hear "What do I say what do I say?" over the phone. -___- Then they hung up and called again.It was this girl and she was like "Are you ready for the inspection?" Pfft.

    I made a weird sounding voice, replied to her and hung up. Lololol. She probably thought I was some weird old man. :B

    But yeah, what I found weird about it was how they got their hand on my number. My house numbers on private so it's not on the phone book. :S Was wondering if it was someone I knew.

  2. ohhhh LOOL. Maybe it was some1 u knew!

  3. They didn't sound asian though... And hardly anyone has my house number. :S
