Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Breaking in

Last night I was still at grandmothers house at 10 something cause my mum and aunties haven't finished making chive buns. I was frustrated cause I couldnt go home yet and I went upstairs to chill in my aunties room.

I was talking on the phone when I heard these thumping noises. At first I thought it was my cousin coming to visit and went to his old room to get something. But the noises continued and I got suspicious. I walked out of the room slowly and looked at the doors. No cousin. Then I looked at the window and there was this shadow of a guy TRYING TO BREAK IN ! He was trying to take the fly screen off. I was kinda scared and didn't know what to do. I was thinking of things to say, such as imma call the police and that .. but at the end I decided to sneak right up to the window ( He couldn't see me the binds were drawn) and banged on it really hard screaming AYYYE!

The guy prolly got a mini heart attack and leaped off the balcony of my grandmas double story house. He had 2 other ppl with him. I was probably guarding the front door and the other maybe ready to support the guy on the bottom. They ran and got on their motorbike that was parked in the neighbour's driveway. They actually took forever to run away. They were like there reving and then drove off.

Bloody hell! That was scary. I shouted at them out of anger while they drove off. They looked like they were sorta looking at me. :@ Bloody thugs I hope the police catch them or they fall and die :@


  1. Wow. O_______________O Oh gosh. Winnie and I used to make these "what we would do if robbers came into our house" plans when we were younger. But it actually happened to you.

    And it's pretty dumb for them to break in a house with lights on and people awake. >_>

  2. i knoww! i wonder what they were thinking, how can they not know ppl are inside =='

  3. Well it was like 10:20 or sumthing ..soo it was late and the lights upstairs were alll off..... only on in the room i was in. Maybe they couldnt hear the voices downstairs ??

  4. Bro, 10:20 is waaayyy too early to rob a house!

  5. LOOL WHO's SIDE AARE U ON? lool joking ..

    No but if we weren't there... my auntie and grandma would have already been sleeping. They sleep earlier than 10

