Monday, November 21, 2011

Dear Blog Authors

Please comment here, what your "icon" or "logo" or whatever picture that symbolises you would be, so I have an idea of it. And if you can, send me an email or a picture of it or something.. like iunno google an image what it looks. Also, what are the dimensions for a blogger heading and background? I need to know that as well xD

Oh, and I need to know your favourite colours too :)


  1. Icon/Logo = Pillow, has to be grey, its a rectangle (the longer side facing up though) and has a smiley face on it)

    I'm not sure about the dimensions for background but the bigger the better? Or you can make it small but make it look consistent (like the one we have now which looks like a pattern)

    The header I'm not sure because I shrunk the original image to make it fit


    I have other fishy pictures if you want. :B

    My current favourite colours are black and red together. But that doesn't really match the fish. Unless you have an artistic way of merging it together nicely. :D

    Make the header a rectangle, as large as possible. And we can shrink it down later. :D

  3. Oh I forgot to mention, AS LONG AS IT IS NOT PURPLE I WILL BE FINE

  4. But we're the PURPLE monkey dishwashers. :B

  5. I want my picture to look somewhat like this

    but um 1 red 1 orange .. (or should it be 1 Orangy yellow one reddish- orange) I dunno does that work .

    Um I dont want that word inside and can u make the fish look less scary LMAOO i want my fish to look peaceful :D and harmless.

    My fave colour is blue

    As for the heading it should be big and yeha.

    I dunno abt the backgroud.

  6. yeah those fishies looks ugly hahha

    My fave colour is pink and i want a buttferly with big wings and flowers in the background and a sun


    Maybe something along the lines of those fish? i dunno

  8. i want the butterfly to look lik this:

    and make it pink lik that too :)

    and u can incorporate the flowers by doing something lik this:


    ^ How about those Jorreh? They're drawn by my favourite artist. :3

  10. You know what when I saw that.. before I opened the link and thought to myself....

    "Sigh I bet its a whole collection of stripper photos" LMAOOO

    but no! :) Yeah the pics with the coy fish are really good! :) I like it :D
