Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Day

AWWWYEAAHHHH This is by far one happy day for me ... until it was ruined by not being able to find my Phone charger's cable... BUT ANYWAYS

I woke up at 9am and started studying for hospo, then my mum came in and told me she's taking me to cut the back of my hair. My hair was growing longer, but the back part looked like it was growing out into a tail so yeah. Anyways, I showered, and we went to the hair salon, and instead of just cutting off the back.. I GOT TO DYE MY HAIR!! OMFG~!!! My dad literally forbid me to EVER dye my hair, but the hair dressers all told my mum that lighter hair colour would match me more, and bring out the shine of my hair, and it'll look healthier and all, and my mum agreed. I swear I could not stop smiling. Having given permission to dye my hair, I asked them to make it "natural ash" =) And they did. It turned out lighter than I expected, a lot more brown but daayyuummm, I like it ^.^ And so, I went and got a haircut too, changed the style around and it's back to being short! My head no longer feels heavy. I don't think I can ever have long hair again... I don't miss it at all =P

So what else happened? My wireless usb adapter came!! So I quickly installed it with the mini CD that came, and BAM! I HAVE INTERNET ON MY DESKTOP!! HUZZAH!!!! *Dances* I started moving files over with Danny's usb that I still have (For about 2 years now. I should really give it back lol) but I soon got annoyed of putting the usb from the laptop to the desktop to the laptop back into the desktop over and over again, so I took my dad's hard drive. Now I don't have to put up with a heating laptop (God knows why it heats up so much)

All I gotta do now, is wait for my wireless keyboard to come, then buy the extension cable and usb port hub :) Once I brought everything I need over to my desktop, I shall reboot my laptop and give it to my lil bro, then.. GAME ON!!

One minor problem, is that I'm not used to my desktop monitor. It's so big compared to my laptop and when I use the internet.. there's too much space! :s I like space but like.. yeah.. gonna take a while to get used to. At least I have a big screen when I play games ehehehhehe ;)


  1. Wow I can't wait to see ur hair :D hehe I see you 2moro :DD I wana dye mine too but im scared it's going to become all dead and brittle. + you get ingrowns after a while and have to redye the roots =/

  2. I dyed my hair (although you can't see it) and it seems like the quality of my hair is better than it was before LOL

  3. As long as you look after your hair it won't become brittle. I.. don't think dying your hair makes you get ingrowns after a while lol. My mym has dyed and redyed her hair for 2 years. Healthy as ever :)

  4. LOLOLOOL!!! NO WONDER! AHAHAHAHAHHA. Personally, I don't mind the look of regrowths, it kinda looks like highlights or something :D Oh and if you do dye your hair, use those hair oils :) That's what keeps them looking so sooooffftttt and niiiiceee... just like.. just like Jolly's chin ;D
