Friday, November 25, 2011

Ice Skating

Ice skating was very fun today with the crew. The last time I went ice skating was in year 8 so I was freaked out a lot. I wouldn't let Winnie out of my sight and held her hand to the point where it went purple O.o OH oh oh and I didn't fall down at all :P Stupid Jolly, Vi and Sophia tried to trick me into falling over but my balance is too good :P

I also made lots of sound effects like oooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo and WINNIEEEEEEEEEEEEE COME BACKKKKKKKKK. I can't skate alone and I can't skate fast, (i.e. Sophia, Jdang, Linda, Alena speed). Lots of Jolly x Vi interactions during the ice skating rink. Vi was tripping and Jolly was trying to hold her back but instead they both fell down. And Jolly posing seductively against the wall and speaking in a sexy, low voice to Vi. ;D

For those who are interested (I know you all are), Jolly and Vi got more things going on during the car ride back home ;D. They both leaned back on their car seat (It wouldn't work for my car seat though) and went to sleep. So I was left sitting there talking to myself. And then! There were lots of touchy stuff going on. I was trying to poke Vi's belly button and Jolly was like, "Go on, you can touch Vi all over and lift her shirt up. I give you permission." But I rejected Jolly's lovely offer and told her to lift Vi's shirt up herself... AND SHE DID! OOOOOOOOOO CHO SCANDALOUS!!!

And this comes from the good old third-wheel again. :( I'll bring my Ryutaro fan with me next time! I WON'T BE ALONEEEEEEEE. LONELYYYYY I AM SO LONELYYY ALL ON MY OWNNNNN


  1. It's okay Jenga. I'm forever alone as well. :B I'll die alone with my 59 cats. :'D

  2. Hey I did not lift her shirt up. I touched the jacket but didnt lift. Shakes head... tsk tsk trying to make it sound more than it was.

  3. And btw, Sofia looked very sexy skating. (H) No wonder why they call it "figure 8 skating."

  4. Figure 8 aye ?? * does hands in that motion like kitty* ahahah
