Friday, November 16, 2012

Desktop's running smoothly again =)

So.. lately for the past week my desktop has been crashing on me. Without warning. It wasn't because I had too many things on my computer (Quite frankly, my computer is empty lol) nor was it cause by any particular program (Since it also crashed within a few seconds after I turned on the computer) To my frustration, I gave up on it and taxed my brother's laptop, where I then googled for answers. The top reason that came up, was that it was over heating. Over heating? But my desktop tower was completely cool... until I read that it could also be cause by dust. So.. I looked into my desktop (It has holes on the top for air circulation.. so dust can easily come in from there) and YUP. SOOOO DUSTY!

Today, I opened up on side and... here's what it looks like. As you can see, the fan (I think that's the motherboard fan. I have no idea lol) is completely coated in dust, it's just.. stuffed full of that thing. That layer of dust is pretty thick. Was about 2 mm of dust XD

And after a quick vacuuming..

Taadaa! MUCH better! And it hasn't crashed for nearly 4 hours now. Fan runs smoothly. After the cleaning, I finally realised that the noise from the fan was pretty loud, now I can hardly hear it :3

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Slow-Growing Manga Collection

Here's a look into my slow-growing manga collection. I'm not sure how I'm going to arrange my bookshelf to fit future mangas in. Especially with One Piece and Fairy Tail. I might have to put some of the "not-so-best" books under my bed or under my desk XD

I think I spent approximately.. $265-$275 on these manga. Gotta love that sale on Madman ;) Was able to save  around $450 :P

Walls of my room...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bebe on drugs


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Continuing on with Vi's ticket incident

SOOOOOO the ticket didn't work, which meant that vi was still stranded on the other side! She got anxious and looked around both sides for the train people. There were 3 of them around, but they weren't really paying much attention... soo Vi decided to JUMP OVER THE PERSON BLOCKER THING AND CAME TO OUR SIDE! THENN one of the rail guards had a glance of that and was like HEYYY! We panicked and ran for our lives hoping that the guard won't remember/ catch us ! We took a diff route to uni and entered via a diff entrance than usual to avoid being caught. After a while we decided that we were safe and walked at a normal pace to our lecture theatre *LIKE BOSSES!* ..........



















Oh alright u got me... so thats not how the story actually went. Vi is not that much of a risk taker. *gangster isn't Vi's middle name.*

Welll, what really happened was... 
Vi realised that she would not get through so she panicked and was sorta worried. She decided to walk over to the rail guards at the big walkthroughs and tell them that her ticket is not going through. They told her that a city ticket did not work at Redfern, and that was why it didn't work. He let her through and we all walked to Uni. Just when we left the station, Vi called the man stupid for saying that it won't work since our tickets worked (even if it said city) all the time LOOOLL. While we walked back, i noticed beads of sweat on Jenny's ( our friend) nose and I thanked her gratefully ! :D And from that day on, I never forgot my train ticket ever again. Actually I think i forgot it once  after that. 


Snow Trip!

On Sunday Jolly, Vi, the rest of my church and I went on a trip to the snow! It was fun except when a series of unfortunate events happened to me (it seemed more like a joke to everyone else though!). Left the church at around 1 instead of the planned 12.30. Jessica insisted that I spoke to some people to make new friends. I spoke Mando and Teo Chiew to 2 people. Vi felt left out cause she couldn't understand ahahhah. And one girl said that me and Vi looked like sisters LOOOLL i dunno how that works. We looking nothing a like. Yeah, I can't understand them, and they can't understand me LOL

The majority of the church sat near the front of the coach while the back was fairly empty. On the beginning of the trip, I sat with Angel but later on towards the trip, Angel moved to the row in front and sat with Bincheng instead.  So I was alone once again (yesss Jessica was destined to be a loner ! :D ), except the group of us at the back of the coach talked a lot, so it wasn't that bad ~Rhoda and Ziduo both sat alone, with Uncle Ben and his wife at the far back and Jolly and Vi were on the other side of my row.You took a sneaky shot!

We weren't as talkative on the way there, sung hymns, slept, and tried to play on DS, but it gave Jolly and I headaches so we stopped. It took us 6 or so hours to get there, so by the time we got there, it was around 7.

Checked in at a motel and was placed in the same room as Jolly, Vi and Avril. I was so used to the type of cabins that we had in camp so I was really surprised that this room looks... fancier than usual, and the fact that it has a TV. There was a double bed (guess who slept together ;D) - LOL that sounds wrong, it's sleeping on the same bed :P and a bunk bed, Avril was on top and I was on bottom.

Then we left to go hire some snow gear! Jolly, Vi, Rhoda and I didn't want to ski because YOLO! You don't want to lose your life so easily! So we hired two toboggans to share amongst us. We stayed around a bit after hiring our gear to gasbag with the others. Jolly and Vi later on returned to the coach since it was cold and I stayed back to help translate for Ziduo, Bincheng and the others. I kept saying YOLO and it pissed Sijing and the others off LOL. Turns out that everyone was skiing except us four and the adults. The whole amount for hiring ski booot and suit was 50 bucks. !

After hiring our stuff (and doing an amazing job translating), we headed back to the coach to go eat dinner at a Chinese restaurant. It was expected to be disappointing, but it wasn't so bad afterall. When we were walking to the restaurant, Ziduo and I caught our first sight of "snow" on cars. How disappointing. JESSICAA HAD HEAPS OF SWEET AND SOUR PORRK THAT SHE LOVESSSS ANDDD SOME TEA ! :) MMM MMM Delish ! Yeah I didn't really enjoy that sweet and sour pork

Dinner with the Guos, Jolly, Vi, Rhoda, Angel and Bincheng.

Headed back to the motel where we all got our things done. Rhoda came to crash our room for a bit before heading back, and I went to crash James, Bincheng and Ziduo's room. And no Ziduo, "I am not here to sleep in your room" or Bincheng "I am not here to be your servant" XD. It seems like everyone's room had some kind of card game on except ours. Rhoda and I returned back to our room and we tried to verse Jolly and Vi on DS (but ended up losing badly), then Angel came and left with Rhoda later on. Angel took Jessica's only true companion away from her !

We were all tired and decided to sleep, if Rhoda decides to come back and sleep with me, on my single bed ;D she will - Well that was what was meant to happen. But noooo Rhoda came back later to fetch her stuff and told me she wasn't sleeping with us in our room. How sad. (AHHAH When Jessica finally thinks she gets some action, she is rejected and left to be forever alone !)  I bet Jolly and Vi found it amusing. Sleep that night wasn't great either. Apart from someone snoring *ahem* - the pillow was horrible! Towtow and I couldn't sleep well. So I spent the whole night twisting and turning. ( OHHH she TWISTED AND TURNED HEAPSSS !!!! and when Jessica moves, she moves quick and heavily ! LOOL so all i could hear was the snoring and the ruffling and shaking of Jessica's bed.)

Then the crew woke up at 5.15 to get ready. I wore like 5 layers and felt like a Gray Surge, it was so uncomfortable! Plus, beanies and sunglasses were never part of my wardrobe, it was horrible. Should have woken up a bit earlier since we were like on the dot. Everyone was on the coach by 6 to head to Maccas for breakfast. Yes, at Maccas I also did more translating jobs. After Maccas, we were meant to head back to the coach to head to the snowy mountains. However, the coach broke down. It took a while for it to get fixed once again but it was funny to see all the dudes push the coach! We only lost one hour's play time, so it's still okay, since we didn't lose THAT much time.

The bus trip from Cooma to the snow mountains took an hour. The backbenchers were listening to Uncle Ben and his wife talk about their testimony and then later on we talked about the need to find Ziduo a snobby private school and stuff. It was nice having a chat with them. Rhoda felt sick on the way, poor girl :(

Finally we arrived at the snow. It so bright and sooooo fluffy! I never knew we were going to Perisher Blue, thought we were going to Thredbo or something. Anyway, the area we were in (known as Smiggin Holes) were only for skiing so Jolly, Vi, Rhoda and I caught a bus to another area called Perisher Valley where we could just chill around and toboggan.

Vi went down a very sloooww and straight slope on the toboggan and was like WEEEEEEEE THIS IS SOO FUN I LIKE IT NICE AND SLOWWW! LMAOOO HMPH! u make me sound like a wimp! Me: Facepalm ! thats not fun ! Rhoda and I were adventure seekers and wanted to tackle the steeper slopes while Jessica and Vi liked it nice, slow and boring! ahahhaa. We went on the toboggans by ourselves first, but later went down in pairs and it was fun ! It was scary!  Tobogganing is fun but so scary at the same time. I can only do it comfortably when I'm behind Rhoda XD. ( You just want to be close to Rhoda ! admit it ! hahahhaha )

We also built a snowman. The snow is so soft and fluffy! But also extremely hard to walk on. I'm prone to stacking it :( The snowman was also hard to build, so we built a small one. Jolly dubbed it as my dream guy, how rude.

It may look ugly (according to Vi) but it's what's inside that counts! (According to Rhoda) We also had a snowball fight! It didn't hurt, and it was hard to move around in the snow. MWAHHAHAHA my main target was Jessica ! :D she was sooo fun to hit :D

After lunch we went exploring a bit, and more stacking while walking before tobogganing again.

Something unfortunate (and hilarious according to the others) happened to me. So Rhoda and I left for a bit before returning to see the others missing! So us two tobogganed a bit before catching the bus back to Smiggin Holes. When Jessica and Rhoda went back, we were determined to fly over this small ledge thingo. After we accomplished our goal, I persuaded Vi to go on a higher slope so it was quicker and more thrilling. CLIMBING BACK UP THE HILL WAS HORRIBLE ! I WISH THEY HAD ESCALATORS OR SOMETHING TO BRING US BACK UP. ! We eyed the steepest slop and wanted to go up there, but we had to crawl to get up there cause that area was icy not snowy so we had no grip. By the time we got to the top, we chickened out and went to a slightly less dangerous 1 ! ahahaha One time, we went over these rocks and thought we were gonna flip, but luckily we didn't and landed safely :D man it was fun. That was scary!!! We just made it back in time, everyone else was there except Jolly and Vi, I called them but then they started rocking up.

Bincheng had to lend me some stuff on the bus since I felt bit sick on the way back but thanks to Jolly's panadol (and a small nap) I felt much more better. Went to return our gears at Cooma and then our extremely long ride back to Sydney commenced. Bincheng also went and bought me a drink #bros4lyf. The ride back was well spent with Rhoda and Ziduo talking about things like holidays > work > church > God > Caiming XD > uni > QQ > Weibo > Facebook. From that point I realised that Ziduo's English name is Zac so I might call him that from now on. Later on, Jolly, Vi, Rhoda and I played some games that happened to go nowhere. When Vi fell asleep, we decided to play the Chinese version of that game with Ziduo and Angel as well, but Jolly pulled out and I got eliminated

Dropped by at Maccas afterwards for dinner. Sat with the same backbenchers crew again and talked about travelling to China. I wanted to visit Beihai (my hometown) at least once but the others said I won't survive in China at all. Then we concluded that if I was to go to Beihai, I'll have to go with Caiming (we share the same hometown btw) or go with family. 

When we got back on the bus, we had to walk past Felix, and he said "Hello sweet heart" and sung a love song to VI! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA. BEST THING EVER. LMAO WHAT LOVE SONG? Then the rest of the trip back were more singing and listening to the bus driver sing in Viet. Felix decided to scream out "I love you" in Viet and other people like James and Felix also "performed".

Arrived back in church at 11 and waited for my dad to pick Angel and I up in the cold! Dropped Angel off at her place and finally got home (only to be rejected by my dogs once again). AWESOME TRIP OVERALL! If only Dorothy, Kevin and Caiming came as well :"(

And some things I realised from this trip:
  • Trolling is fun. I love you too Rhoda :"D
  • Influencing Rhoda to say the pee room instead of toilet (thanks a lot Catface)
  • The snow isn't that cold
  • I touched snow with my bare hands! Come at me. ( I WILL! ) 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Outing to Parra

So yesterday, Jessica, Michelle, Megan, twin and me planned to meet at 10 at Cabra station to go Parra together.... BUTTTTTTT SOME PEOPLEEEEE ! *ahem*  twins made us  poor pooorr people stand there waiting for them in the sun whilst the majesties were driven to the station. Jessica called to ask where they were and APPARENTLY t said that they were 'coming'. Pssshhh we later found out that she was still at home ahahah what a lair!! On a side note, Megan tried not to crush me to death as she hugged me violently LOOOL. so after t bought CHILD tickets ! * cause they would really pass as children* claiming that it saves them moneehhh. So the train finally came and we got on it! IT WAS A NEW TRAIN ! ^^ :D

So on the train t2 was telling us about how much of a creep she is and how she purposely flips the   train seat around to face strangers. Then she would stare at them like they were the most interesting thing in the world. (All this is happening whilst the stranger is desperately trying to avoid her gaze ahahaha ) Jessica then got teased for pretty much the rest of the train ride to Granville for saying DOORR FEEEE instead of Dorothy! there there Jessica *Ill give you a sympathy pat for once*  In the meantime, we played blackjack with punishments. Who ever lost got hit by the winner on the wrist ( 2 finger hit) how ever many cards they lost by. I was the only one who didn't get hit ! :D tooo skilled ! ahha

We got to Parra and walked in and out many stores. We went into rebel sports to see snow equipment for the snow trip tomorrow. We mucked around for a bit and tried lifting these weights. NEARLY everyone who tried lifting the 10kg weight could sorta stand the weight EXCEPT FOR JESSICA ! she was like ehh ehhh t2 TAKE IT OFF ME QUICK QUICK !  aahhAHAH Megan was the tank one and lifted it with 1 arm claiming that it was alright! what a tank ! ahha t then tried on this Purple? wig for funn. Megan, twin then battled it out on dance central ?? :S and t did an abysmal job ahha It was funny to watch ! We then got very hungry and went up to the food court to eat. Everyone got fast food ( Maccas, KFC, Oportos) except for t who ate susheehh. After lunch, t corrupted poor t2’s mind with dirty explanations. I swear ! one is dirty AND CORRUPTED and 1 is innocent and a lostie ! IF 2 OF THEM WERE COMBINED, THEY'D PROBABLY BE NORMAL! :P

After lunch, we went into JB HiFi and browsed computers whilst t2 used her technological expertise to preach me and Megan about hard drives and laptops. t didn't have enough and insisted to stay to play solitaire. We walked around more and megan bought her popcorn that she was talking abt ! at least that made her happy ! ahah. We then went to Toys R' Us and stayed in the baby's section for a LONG LONG LONGGG TIME ! TOOO LONG !  Michee got into a pram and pretended to be Megan's kid. What I didn't understand was that Megan ( a white girl ) had a COMPLETELY asian baybeehh! ahahaha Michee was a big baby! she could hardly fit in the pram AHHAHAHAHA. We decided that it was long enough and time to go out. We went to Jeanswest so that Michee could use her voucher to buy a $40 bux JUMPER! but sadlyyy they said that she needed to bring the card to get the 10 bux off! what a rip ! Lastly, t tried on some high heels and said that she was gonna be a rebel and go clubbing. Megan and I walked in front of everyone and thought we were all going home now. However after we went through the ticket barrier, they called out and said that they didn't want to leave yet. ( They couldn't catch up to us because of our lightning speed!) We had to go since Megan had work later and I couldn't be back later so we parted. Me and Michee gave each other an airhug ! ahahah and Jessica pouted in disappointment.

So Megan and took the train back to Cabra and she took the bus home. Man we were both tired ! but it was fun ! :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012



YAYY I'm soo excited for tomorrow! :):)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Introducing Cottontail!

As Jessica has said, dah new bunnyz ish in da howsh ;D Meet Cottontail :) She's nearing 7 weeks old. She has/is :

Gorgeous Eyes

Sexy Body 
Epic Pattern

Soft and Cuddly

Perfect shape, and colouration, as well as


Thursday, June 14, 2012

so um.. I can't decide between a horse or a coy fish so like imma let u guys vote. Majority wins I guess.

The Time Has Come For Blogskin Making

Alrighty! Authors of this blog! Once again, I'll be asking the same question. I can start working on it soon. Just comment and/or edit this post and type in your preferred animal that will represent you. Well animal is preferred, cause I can draw them better than objects :3 Oh, and add the colour too :3

Vee: Butts and flies.
T.W.B.M: I think I said I wanted to be a goldfish? Or should I be a cat? I DUNNA HOES.
Jayli: Chicken (Yellow) LOL - Preferably something cute like this
Souffle: Sonii

EDIT: Hmm I can do this too. Just list some animals and like, I'll make a draft of them all and you can all pick from that list. (To which ever one suits you). I think it's pretty observable that.. I draw furry animals better ;)

Note: Sonii and the chickling has been taken. 
Tiger Cub, Kitten, Sonii, Rabbit. Chickling, Koi Fish.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Haven't drawn in a while.

Ahah my new icons look so good on the side :) I am pleased. Now I must get back to studying D:

Time To Get Fit Again!

It's been forever since I last exercised. I have become incredibly lazy, and my stomach is no longer flat :(
As a result, I went (on ebay of course ahaha) and bought a home gym thingymabobby. At first, I was about to get the "Iron Gym" But then.. it was too bulky.. in a way.. so I went and bought the portable chin up bar.. for only $15.50!!! Odd.. it's 1am and I go buy a home gym thing. So how did this happen? It was because I was thinking about Rock Climbing, which let to Parkour. I think I might be able to partake in parkour again next sem, but then again I don't think I can.. paying for too many things monthly. With this in mind..  went and googled exercise mats.. since when I do sit ups, my back bone always scrapes the floor and it HURTS. Suck being too skinny. And one thing led to another and so, I found those door gym sets xD Here's the one I'm getting! It's not as popular as the "Iron Gym" but it will work perfectly for me :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Secondary School Days

Went to Secondary School Days today with T.W.B.M, Tina to see Eoin Colfer (our favourite author and hero) at Riverside Theatre at Parramatta.

Parents took their time this morning so I was late to Cabra station, and when I got there, T.W.B.M approached me in a very scary manner. So we missed our train and had to wait for the next one that comes in 15 minutes. Saw Alena, Jolly and Vi at the station so we all caught the train together. Teased Jolly and Vi like usual and we saw an old man reading a book about iPad. <- Such a typical situation. Ahahahaha. An old man reading a book on iPads. 8D Alena wanted to take a picture but he moved. ),: 

T.W.B.M and I got off the train at Granville and caught another to Parra. We couldn't find the bus stop for the bus that we intended to catch, but lucky we saw it coming and jumped on. Made it to Riverside and was not late. Saw some people here and there and we went inside. 

The theatre was filled with high school students (as the name 'Secondary school' suggests). We were the only people that weren't from a school. So T.W.B.M and I pretended that we were teachers accompany students. *ahem* King's School *ahem*

High schoolers, high schoolers...

My awesome ticket! :'D

The first author that came on was Lucy Christopher. Her talk was very interesting and she sounds really down-to-earth. After Lucy Christopher were these two female authors. I forgot their names -awkward- J.C. Burke and Vikki Wakefield! The talk wasn't bad but I didn't enjoy it that much. I did though! I thought Lucy Christopher was a very passionate person while both J.C. and Vikki were very insightful about the feelings of an 'outcast' of a society. 

We had a one hour lunch break after this and that was when Tina came and joined us. We were lining up to get T.W.B.M's copy of Stolen signed by Lucy Christopher. She was so nice to us and T.W.B.M took a photo with her. Lucy's Stolen may or may not become a movie one day. So watch out guys, her signature will be worth heaps one day. 8D After that, Tina went to grab us seats and T.W.B.M and I walked to Maccas to get lunch. So many high school kids everywhere. 

Made it back in (just)time and it was finally Eoin Colfer's turn. I don't even know how to describe his time on stage since it was beyond awesome and I honestly don't think I can recount it as well as it really deserves. Colfer is one of the most sarcastic people you'll ever meet in life and has a great sense of humour. The whole theatre was filled with laughter. He went from bashing One Direction, to talking about his sons, biting a ring of a 5 year old and his Holy Communion experience. T.W.B.M asked him a question and he answered her too! Unlike the other authors, he didn't promote his books. He spoke about where his characters came from, which led to him talking about funny life moments. Ahahaha. :D Was so great. Better than what I expected. And and, I asked him if there was another purpose of Orion's (It's pronounced O-ryan!) appearance apart from humour. He said, he wanted to put a character in there that could be a potential 'Artemis' and someone that was hopeless to truck the story along and create complications. :D 

Before we could run to his signing session, we had -forgot his name- (Mal Peet) but he almost got sued by Jagger for defamation. Anyway, his talk was awkward and I didn't enjoy it the most. The boys sitting around me (from King's School by the way) were all shy and embarrassed. I thought it was pretty funny. He made similar awkward -mytypeof- sex jokes. (Y) Question from audience: "What inspired you to write sex in your book" Mal's answer: "Misery." LOLS. 

A very funny and dramatic person! :D

Finally it was the signing session. Colfer had the longest line (well obviously, this is the awesome mastermind that created Artemis Fowl!). T.W.B.M asked a volunteer to take a photo of us all with him. Colfer was so down to earth as well. He signed our books with it being personalised and also spoke to us all for a long time. So cool! T.W.B.M and I were in a fangirl mode the entire time! YES. OMG. WE SPOKE TO THE CREATOR OF ARTEMIS FOWL. HE'S SO FUNNY AND HDFKSF. Tina, Jess and I were like "OMG WE'RE TALKING TO EOIN COLFER!!! *Fangirling* and he was like, "I wish my family was this excited to see me." Ahahaha! And and I asked him what it was like being a full time author. He told me it was very fun and I should do it too. :D I asked him if he had a lot of free time as a author and he was like "unfortunately not. But I'm hoping I have more once I finish the Artemis Fowl series." And and and he asked if we were One direction fans. We said we weren't and he was like "Good! :D" 

Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture of Tina's signed book! ):

After this awesome event, we didn't exactly calm down from finally seeing Colfer in front of us, taking photos with us and actually speaking to him (I paraded the street with my signed book opened btw), but we left anyway. Went to Westfields and walked around a bit before we all went home.

Caught the train back to Cabra, and Tina got off at Guildford. T.W.B.M got told off by some lady who accused her of "pushing" her. That was rather.... annoying. Then T.W.B.M chilled at my place and watched me fail to clean. Great day out today and awesome to catch up with Tina.

Sleeping Momo. :3

T.W.B.M, feel free to edit this post and upload the photos! <- DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Hollow Body Les Paul Style Guitar

Say.. helloooo ;) To my new toy! 

It's a replica. Not the original.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Conversation between the human and the fly

Sophia: Hence you are too pathetic.
Sophia: A disgrace in my view of life.
Sophia: A fly to be swatted.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: a fly that flew into your life
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: ;)
Sophia: Yes, only to get trampled on. Such a shame.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: a shame cause you love me too much right ?
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: ;)
Sophia: I'm sorry, did a fly try to speak just now? It seems like it's communication levels are too low for my ears to pick up.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: i had to speak like that cause in your level
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: physically as well
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: GAME ON SOPHIA!
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: MWA HA HA HA HA HA
Sophia: Oh sweet jeebus. Dear child, you do not make sense. I knew it. Flies are too low in society. Something about physically? Poor fly has lost his perceptions of depth. I wonder if he realises flies are incredibly inferior to a humans in terms of size.
Sophia: They are a mere centimeter or so in length, while, even being short, I stand at 1.5m
Sophia: You cannot go 'down' when you have been swatted to the naked earth.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: BWA HAHAHAHAAHA
i cant be swatted my something so small
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: suchas your self
Sophia: The impact must have confused that pin prick brain of yours.
Sophia: Flies with concussion. Oh deary me.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: look at this small child think she is so cinfused
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: confused*
you dont even know where you stand do you?
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: tsk tsk tsk
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: poor thing
Sophia: You're mistaken. You have forgotten that you're a fly. Please be a gentlefly and scroll up to read. You have confirmed it yourself, with what little intellect you have.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: i know i had to think like a fly just for a second so you can understand but looks like that isnt happening
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: and just saying a flea cannot hit a fly
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: just saying
Sophia: Lol!
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: thank you rob
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: water flea
Jessica Li: at least fleas suck blood
Jessica Li: flies eat shit
Sophia: Oh well I be damned xzD
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: hahahaha
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: MWA HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Sophia: But the poor fly boy. Alas, he cannot read. I have stated that I AM a human. Has he loss he's sense of sequence?
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: and poor little flea girl thinks she is human
Sophia: I said "I'll be damned" Because my darling Jess made an incredible comeback.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: tsk tsk tsk
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: lost her mind
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: hahahahaha
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: ewww suck blood wat a parasite
Sophia: Aha! He's still going on with his babberings! This will never cease to amaze me, how far a small fly would go to defend his flyhood.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong:  <<< Aha! He's still going on with his babberings! This will never cease to amaze me, how far a small fry would go to defend his flyhood.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: sorry small fry
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: wow you even forgot your size
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: thinking that you are bigger than i am
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: in both brain size
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: well size in general
Sophia: -sigh- Your lack of vocabulary and reasonings are starting to tire me. You're doing nothing but going around in circles. At least flies wake up after being dazed from getting swatted. You on the other hand, are just lying there mumbling incoherent sentences. Poor soul.
Sophia: My apologies, did I tread on your micro bomb?
Sophia: He must have passed out.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: sorry i was laughing at how delusional you are. Vocabulary and reasoning, you have no need to apologies. "I" apolgize for not using them, as much as you do. its cause i do not want them to be sucked away by some parasite. but i shouldn't be afriad of some poor waste of space who just wants a space on this earth.
Sophia: Since he has lost the perception of depth and the capability to differentiate reality from illusion, I shall place here a doll, so he can blabber on uselessly. Good lord, for you information, parasites suck blood. They can not suck out something mentally such as the skill levels of speech. At least I have the brains to stop wasting my time on a delirious fly. Goodbye, and good riddance.
Sophia: Oh poor thing.
Sophia: How I pity you so.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: BWA HAHAHAHAHA
Sophia: Lmfaoo oh Mike you suck.
Mike (Maikeru) Truong: adieu to you too

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My life at Uni

So life as a pharmacy student aint so great. You go 5 days a week with 2 long ass 3 hour prac classes per week/ fortnight. Sometimes we ( Vi and I) see ppl with bikes or skateboards cruising around to their lecture rooms. Something we wish we had 1 tooo! loool man it's tiring walking between lectures. OOH I remmeber this funny incident once. ( May be funny to u guys but it wasn't funny at alll to Vi ! She gave me death stares throughout the train ride and abused me verbally, mentally and emotionally and I think even physically once ahahha )

Soo on a thursday we were happily riding our way to the uni. Vi suddenly says: Hey Jolly, where are our train tickets. ( We bought monthly tickets and the day before Vi gave me her 1 since she was too lazy to put hers away.) I froze quickly searched my bag. IT WASN'T IN THERE! I then realised that I had left our tickets in my other bag since I switched bags that day. Ohhhh Vi was not happpy ! So i sat there and schemed.. wondering what we could do. We decided to call one of our friends to ask whether or not she was on the same train. Turns out that she was already at the uni since she had an 8am start that day! We told her about our situation and she KINDDLYYY agreeed to walk back just for us ! :) How nice of her !

When we got to the ticket machine area, OUR FRIEND WASN'T THERE YET ! So we had to stand there and look awkward whilst waiting for her. There were guards there as well, which made us more paranoid. When she finally came, there was no1 else going through the ticket thing, so we waited a bit until a crowd of ppl came (which wasn't long). We went to the middle as our friend ( Jenny) handed over her ticket to me. ahahha It loooked soo shifty. ( She had a quarterly ticket) So i went through and handed the ticket to Vi. BUT IT DIDNT WORKKK DUN DUN DUUUNNN. ...................




















.................. Tune in next time for the rest of the story.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dance Practice!

After days, weeks and months of neglect, the deadline came up faster than we thought. Michee and I must practice! We practically nearly forgot the whole dance routine! D:

So, I was planning to go to Michee's house around 12, but thanks to the Sleeping Prince Roger, I went there around 2pmish.. Ok I'm so tired and sweaty, been practicing just then to get all the moves down. Time to sum it up in dot point!!

  • Went into Michee's room. I LIKE IT! The walls were pretty cool. She has really nice paper chibi block head thingymabobby... SO CUTE! :) I didn't realised until she pointed it out, but her room is quite girly! Light purple-ish walls :3
  • Her cousins were sleeping in the living room, so she suggested the garage. Took my socks out (It's near impossible to dance barefoot) and wore it on! Garage was good, and slippery. I stacked it a few times ahaha.
  • We practiced over the parts that we always get wrong. Seriously, its not THAT easy lol. Had to critically analyse each move until we were able to produce it for real.. -sigh- such a mission. I also brought my incompleted fursuit head over so I can practice breathing in it while dancing. Very very difficult :P
  • Her mummy came in and looked at Michee and asked her "Ask your friend if she is hungry" and I was like.. right there.. Don't I look viet? LMAO So she left to buy medication because Michee's bro was sick. Later on, she came back and bought chicken and chip. Michee and I shared ;D
  • Errrrmm.. Her dad came back so we moved back inside. Used the living rooms since the little kids woke up. Ahaha I was wearing my unfinished head and the little girl was scared of it :) It made me happy though, that they were all able to tell it was a dog! :')
  • More practice.. so tired. Lots of water. Pee (ok maybe you didn't need to know what but oh well) Her bro was watching us at one point, and I think he was trying to do it too ahahah. 
  • SO, after too much practice, we stopped and played DW4. The most annoying thing is.. I COULDN'T GET ON THE HORSE! Michee told me I have to get behind its ass, then press x (jump) to get on.. but whenever I pressed x I jump OVER the horse omg. I was getting irritated lol. And stupid guards keep attacking me so I couldn't concentrate on getting near the horse's ass.. =3= So, after about 2 games of that, Michee took out the box of games so I can pick something, and we played a skating game. Forgot what it was called lol. I like it :)
  • Called my bro at 8pm, FINALLY, after MONTHS, I was able to hand Michee her 2 manga. Dengeki Daisy 7 & 8. And I got my Pocket Sudoku and the book Black Beauty from her!
  • Went home, get on msn and skype.. wasted some more time, then I went into my parents room to practice again. They have the massive built in wardrobe mirror, very very helpful!
  • I sweated some more.. lots more.. now I need a shower. 
Ok you know whta? This isn't really dot point is it? Story of my life. It's more of a huge ass paragraph. I'll see her tomorrow! =)


Yes? No? Well who cares. just do these tests :)

When ever I'm bored, I always look for personality and behaviour tests online :O Here's the link! There's some.. pretty.. interesting tests on there too! I did the nerd and geek one, and I was too dumb Q.Q

Thursday, February 16, 2012


If you're wondering why I didn't go on the net for the past week it was because my holiday actually included going to China which I didn't know about. Roflololol.

Right now, I am in an inn in Hong Kong, using their computer. It's out in the lobby so that means I have to constantly look over my shoulders to make sure no ones looking over it. Roflolololol.

And yeah. To which ever asshole told me to blog about my holiday, you're an asshole. Knowing that I have a shitty memory I ended up bringing a 'journal' with me to write down shit along the way.

But like, it's less of a journal and more of a rant book. Hahahaha.

Anyways, my China trip consisted of:

-Smokers and face masks
-Smoking in the mist
-Early mornings and late nights
-Squat toilets
-Using a fucking squat toilet
-Rants from an extremely spoilt brat from an extremely spoilt country
-Jaywalking being completely legal (and encouraged)
-Shit traffic
-Checking out dudes out for the very first freaking time. (Sexy acrobatics)
-In door smoking
-More rants.

So yeah, I'll probably only type up the China part of my trip (for now) so if you're interested, it's available in the closest book store near you. Only $19.99

Loljks, please bitches, my stuff is priceless.

Just check my other blog and I'll type it all there. Meow.

I miss my cat. And home. Hoot. Hoot.

Like, I know not everyone shares my values and morals but sometimes I wish certain people did.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Braces off!

Welll since Jessica told me that the blog was dead and that I should write something .. I'll write something now JUST TO MAKE HER HAPPY !

Today I went to take my braces off. What the dentist did was literally use a plier, grab hold of my braces and RIPPPPED IT OFFF ! ONE BY ONE ! hahaha how dramatic. Well it didn't really hurt. Only a few teeth at the front hurt since it was more sensitive. Next he had to remove the glue. He had an assistant next to me sticking a saliva sucking tube in my mouth. At one stage she unconsciously jabbbed the plastic tube too hard and it hurt my gums :( Later.. I think she angled it weird orrr I was salivating like crazy, allowing sprinkles of saliva to like fly up in the air and hit my face. Man it was annoying ! Being showered on by your own saliva :( euurg gross! Nottt coool!

After making a mould for my retainers I was done. Now the inside of my mouth feels slimy ...ahahha The End !

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Rosy's early burfday.

So like, I'm going Hong Kong on Monday and that means I'll miss Rosanna's 18th birthday.  So today Rose had a mini gathering at her place with Jenga, me and the sister.

The sister and I arrived at around 3 and we took out a puzzle to build. Mind you, Jenga bought me that puzzle on my 10th birthday or something and us four have been working on it since. :B IT'S BEEN 8 LONG YEARS.

Later on Jenga goes "WHY IS THIS PUZZLE SO HARD? WHO BOUGHT IT?!" and everyone screams "YOU!"

Rose plugs laptop into tv. Use Tv as big screen. Super cool.

So yeah, took out puzzle and builds. Jenga was not here yet btw. Used this as our advantage and listened to some pop songs before Jenga comes and bombs us with her stuff.

And then I left to go shaolin to sell some textbooks/notes to my shaolin friends. Left at around 5, came back to Rose's house around 6:20pm.

Outside of Rose's door, I heard Jenga's horrible voice TALKING ABOUT ME. :O

And then stuff happened.

We watched stuff on youtube and ate and stuff.

And then we trolled Rosanna's facebook. :3

And then...


I went home at like 11 or something. And yeah.


Monday, January 30, 2012

Bizarre news

I never knew that was even possible! Wow

Response to freaky dude

Their "love" is so sickening! Blehhh

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jollaye's House

So yesterday was the most anticipating event of the year, visiting Jollaye's house with some cool people. It was fun! Too bad the Mach twins couldn't come.

Walked there with Megan and when we arrived Vi was already there ;D Had a tour of Jorraye's house and then Megan and Jollaye started their Pokemon, music and Ben 10 dealing. While Megan was still dealing, the three of us then started playing DS. I was a boss in Mario Kart (H) and then afterwards we played Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games. But DS started getting boring so we played hide and seek.

Jolly's house is the best ever place to play hide and seek in! Awesome I tell you! Especially that basement! Basically, everyone had a go to seek so it was fair. But Vi sucks! D: I was sitting in that little corner behind the couch for God knows how long. It was when Sophia arrived that I had to come out.

Afterwards, we ate lunch and played a bit of table tennis after cleaning up. Then we crashed the sexy Jolly's room and played snap. And I lost hmph. My punishment was to "walk" 100 steps on the treadmill. But I kept nagging to watch Smurfs so we postponed that. Watched Smurfs! How disappointing, I had high hopes for that movie too >=(

After Smurfs, I had my punishment and the others played more table tennis. Afterwards we played hide and seek. Sophia is too good for that game. Looking for her was the hardest thing ever. After that Jolly's dad drove Megan to Stockies and the rest of us to Cabra.

And that was my first (and won't be last) adventure at Jolly's mansion 8D

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rest In Peace Hammy.

You have been a great exotic pet. Although you were only with us for 11 months, every time I walked pass your sleeping face, it makes me smile. You were so sweet, curious, soft and fit :')

It was extremely unfortunate that you passed away, but you will always be remembered! It was a sad moment, but I'm glad I was able to keep you company until you took your last breath. I will miss giving you little massages and rubbing your cheeks, which you loved very much.. :(

Rest In Peace. I love you. We all love you <3

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My day at city with mum

Sooooo todayyy I went to the city to the wholesalers with mum. When we got there we walked and walked and walked from 1 store to another. At one point, one of the sales person said I looked 13 or 14 LMAOO welll aint that nice of them. I hear that all the time. Then later we tried to go into this building that we have never been in before to see if there were more wholesalers there. We decided to work our way down starting from the 8th floor. So like there was nothing on the 8th floor so we quickly went back in and went down to seven. However instead of going out with mum, I decided to stay in the elevator and get out if she told me to. Suddenly the DAMNNN ELEVATOR DOOR CLOSED! and then sent me straight to level 1 automatically. I panicked cause it took me by surprise and went back up to level 7. When I got there mum wasn't there ! SO I had to go each level down to check to see if my mum stood waiting there. At 1 point she called me but I couldn't hear her. I decided to give up and go back to level 1 to wait for her. When the door opened she was there! man that was a shit and creepy elevator.

Well anyways later I finally found the knee-length jeans I have been looking for! We walked some more, shared a slurpy and went back to cabra. My feet were sooooooo sore and my mum still had to go to several other places to buy stuff. I took what ever opportunity I had to sit down and rest my frail frail old body ! ahahh Then later .. this damn pigeon swooped down low and pooped on the plastic bag near me ! IT NEARLY GOT MEEE! and it even swooped low! I bet that damn bird was aiming for me ! LOOOL :@ I had to rip that side of the handle off since the bird shit was there. I went back to the shops and told my dad. He laughed at me and said that I should consider myself lucky that it didn't get my head. I then realised that I had lost the 35 bux that was in my pocket! THAT COULD BUY ME LIKE 3 BOWLS OF PHO!ahaha not very lucky at all :(

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Writing up my resume..

So for the new year I have decided to look for a job.

I just thought I'd like to share my objective,

I am seriously bored LOOL

(Just joking)

I'm a good girl I am :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

Shu and Inori Lineart

I have finished the lineart for my wall paper :)

Shu and Inori from Guilty Crown.

dA link :

Now I just need to colour!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR :D the fireworks were a bit disappointing... I expected the ending to be more dramatic, kinda boring throughout :L