Sunday, December 25, 2011

Random video

Guys watch this ! Some of it is cute and funny :D A way to spend ur time ahha


Merry Christimas guys! And a Happy new year! :D I hope everyone enjoyed their day with family and loved ones :)

Click me!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

At Last..

So, my dad bought me Windows 7 Professional, and he was still too busy to fix my computer and all, so I went ahead and did it. Well, now I can use my comp again, but since it's been reformatted, I have to re-download and reinstall EVERYTHING all over again =/

I wasn't able to extract my files from my corrupted account soo.. it's all gone, but it's ok. I can live :P

It's also the first time I tried out my webcam, the one Michee bought for my 18th! It's soooo epic! I love it! My brother came home today, and he bought me 2 Christmas presents ;) Killzone 3 and Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood!! Sooo happy!

There's still a lot to do on my computer, but at least I no longer have to wait until it's 8pm everynight to borrow my little brother's. ALSO, I CAN PLAY MY GAMES AGAIN! The only game I was able to play for the last few weeks was OMGPOP, and really, after a while it gets reeaaallllyyy boring!

Looking forward to tomorrow and Friday :) I better clean my fish tank when I get home tomorrow, they don't look very happy...

OH YEAHH!! And a BIG progress with Hammy! I can scratch him now!! He moves his head to one side so that I can scratch his cheeks :3 so cuteee!! And Prince Checkers is loud as ever. He continues to learn and copy/whistle sounds of other birds, but he just won't learn the wolf whistle!! One day for sure...

On a side note.. my allergies are back. I went out and ate seafood with my parents, and forgot to take medication, now my skin is reeeaalllyy bad and extra sensitive :( I must be carefull...

Monday, December 12, 2011

My recent+reoccurring Nightmares!

Since the results for HSC are nearly being released., I'm starting to panic. For these past 2 nights I've been dreaming that it's ACTUALLYY wednesday and thursday.. so I try to go online to check my results, BUT I CANT FIND THEM. and every1 else got theres ! :( not fair!

ANDDD in my dream.. I keep realising that it's NOT wed+thurs.. and infact its monday.. BUT I STILL KEEP going back to thinking that my results didn't come out. Either cause I just didn't look for it properly or i wrote my number or something wrong and THEY GAVE ME A ZERO FOR EVERYTHING :O

Is any1 else suffering these symptoms ? I hope I don't dream abt this ever again.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Merrylands RSL All You Can Eat Buffet.

Went to eat with Rob's family and cousins/family friends (?) and Jordan =) The boys picked me up around 7 and we went back to Rob's house and waited for a bit, whilst watching The Lion King!! Then everyone came and we were ready to go.

The place was nice, but I was (like usual) the slowest eater. I was still up to my first plate while everyone was on their seconds lol. Stupid braces, everything I ate got stuck ahahah.. .. D: If Jordan gets food poisoning, we'll know why. He had gravy and he said it was sour :O Mmm.. yeahhh... More food! The place was packed and yeah. Not bothered to describe everything ahah, but it WAS eating out so.. we ate most of the time lol.

Oh yeah, and being in the car with Rob behind the wheel feels more safe than with Roger. Seriously. LOL. Pretty full. Going to clean up my room then.. animeeeee!!!! :3

EDIT: AND OMG. I can't believe it. I passed as a 12 year old kid. Q.Q Rob's mum and cousin (?) suggested I went as 12 LMAO. -cries-

Friday, December 9, 2011

The A Team

Hehe I like this song that I heard on the radio. Just thought I'd share it :) 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Jessica is a creep

[19:52] Jessica (◡‿◡✿): ryutaro just rubbed his body against mine
[19:52] Jessica (◡‿◡✿): :B 
[19:52] Julie: LMAOOO 
[19:52] Julie: eww
[19:52] Jessica (◡‿◡✿): my cat is also called ryutaro
[19:52] Jessica (◡‿◡✿): GOSH
[19:52] Julie: talk abt creepy and obsessed to the saddest level
[19:53] Jessica (◡‿◡✿): what

[19:53] Jessica (◡‿◡✿): ryutaro is my boyfriend (H)

Even though u have a cat name ryutaro.. I'm pretty sure you said, hoping that I would react the way I did :P

Love Calculators

... ARE SO FUN!! ;D

If you guys wanna try it out :

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Checkers the Whiteface Pied Cockatiel :)

He's a young boy :) Very calm too. He was scared and tried flying away after I got him out of the box, but after a while of gentle cooing, whistling and soft petting he calmed down ehehehe. Lucky bird he is, getting to live inside whilst my dad's parrots and canaries are outside xD Cookie is fine with him too. She seems more wary of him. Must be because he's bigger than the budgie :P

My Nightmare

Well last night I had this nightmare that seemed to go on forever. Remember when I said that these people tried to break into my grandmothers house? Well this is how the dream started.
(Btw this is long so .. hang in there when u are reading it ! :D)

I was at this airport-looking place with the police, where they caught one of the dudes and tied him up. We were confronting him and I asked him questions regarding the other 2 ppl. Obviously he didn't respond and was fidgeting... trying to break loose. The cops did an uber crappy job in tying him .. so he sorta broke free. I tried to stop him from getting away by grabbing and pulling one of his arms. Then he used the other hand to reach into his pocket and grabbed a pocket knife. He slashed my hand and ran away.

The cops ( in this brown uniform :S ) and I ran after and followed him. We were sorta behind... but could see him through the large windows. We then concluded that he ran into a nearby train station.

I saw him standing near 2 other men. They wore identical hats. One was skinny and Aboriginal and the other 1 was huge and scary looked a bit like the hunchback of Notre Dame. (But he wasn't that hunchback) Well anyways I told the cop that the criminals were there and I tried to follow the other 2. They were walking up towards these stairs and I followed them, whilst getting out my phone to take a pic of them for identification. They noticed and started coming back down. With every stride they took, there would be this loud thumping sound ... like giants walking. I got scared and started running near the lone cop, asking for back up. they cornered me and I ran for it.

I was with another person but I forgot who it was. Well anyways, I think the bad guys called for reinforcement or something and there were ppl shooting at me and the person I was with. We crawled through these boxes in a factory place and hid. They continued to shoot and blow up the place. It was sooo scary! This random guy partially crashed his car into the pole near where were hiding and offered to help and drive us out. BUT FOR SOME STUPID REASON WE REJECTED ! He simply said okay then ... smiled and gave us two 5 dollar notes then drove off loool wth ?

Somehow we escaped it and ended up in a car with my mum. She was driving us through this desert area. She claimed that she was driving me to the area I first saw the criminal? :S I then realised that she was sending me to my death. Where the gangs or those ppl were gonna capture and kill me. I was confused and pleaded my mum to not 'deliver' me like a meal for them! Soon, she felt guilty and like tried to ask for help from.. ppl who knew us. But they rejected.. so i didn't have anyone drive me back.

We ended up in a clothes store.. looks like the 1 we had before. Then my mum disappeared and Jessica Li's parents appeared at the front of the store.. like shop owners ahahha. Well i was around the back thinking of what to do when I heard this big lady talking on the phone. WHO EVER THAT WAS TALKING TO HER WAS TELLING HER TO FIND ME AND GET ME TO THEIR AREA. I got sooo scared so I tried to hide. Later when she moved, I went to look outside and she was near her big black 4-wheel drive. She noticed me and marched into the shop. I was petrified, thinking : " SHIT I GOT SPOTTED" I ran into the shop and sorta rolled into a ball whilst covering my face, hoping she wouldn't see me. But she did. She came and sorta tapped my arm really hard, trying to pull me. I pretended I was a child and starting crying loudly. ( Like WAHHHH) And then I used one hand to hold onto Jessica's mum so that the woman couldn't take me. After a while, she left. Slowly, I checked and saw her 4-wheel drive driving off into the distance. *Phew* I thought.

I shouldn't have spoke sooo soon! :( When I check again, the 4-wheel drive was like picking up some henchmen. OHHH NOO OTHEY WERE BACK FOR ME ... WITH BACK UP :( I ran outside to this open area.. and out of nowhere I had a gun. I started shooting the men who came continuously from every direction. The ones that got too close, I shanked them. ( stabbed with the knife that I had)

Eventually, there were less ppl ,..but there was one guy wearing a suit and JUST WOULD NOT DIE. ! i TRIED SHOOTING HIM with a pistol, sniper .... YET HE WOULDN'T BUDGE. This was really creepy and eventually I KILLLED HIM! (SUCCESSS) Then the dream ended as I became relieved.

Quite a vivid dream! And sorry for the long recount.

Lesson learnt: This is what happens when I play 3 hours of call of duty 3 with my cousin. It really got into my head!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wolf Spider

I caught a Wolf Spider! It was in the middle of my bedroom ahahah. My apologies for those with Arachnophobia..


Monday, November 28, 2011

Jessica's secret needs

[11/28/11 19:15:12 ] Jessica : why cant hey say jump strip too :(
[11/28/11 19:15:18 ] Jessica : WAIT NO
[11/28/11 19:15:20 ] Jessica : THEY CANT STRIP! THEY'RE TOO GOOD
[11/28/11 19:15:27 ] Jessica : the girls can
[11/28/11 19:15:32 ] Jessica : the boys can keep their clothes on
[11/28/11 19:16:32 ] Julie : uhh
[11/28/11 19:16:33 ] Julie : lOOL
[11/28/11 19:16:37 ] Julie : jessica jessica jessica
[11/28/11 19:16:38 ] Julie : u are terrible
[11/28/11 19:16:42 ] Julie : why dont u jsut go to a strip
[11/28/11 19:16:42 ] Julie : club
[11/28/11 19:16:44 ] Julie : when ur legal
[11/28/11 19:16:45 ] Julie : then
[11/28/11 19:16:46 ] Jessica : NO
[11/28/11 19:16:47 ] Julie : ppl
[11/28/11 19:16:50 ] Julie : would be stripping
[11/28/11 19:16:51 ] Julie : foru
[11/28/11 19:16:53 ] Jessica : noooo
[11/28/11 19:16:56 ] Jessica : i choose who to strip
[11/28/11 19:17:05 ] Jessica : i dont want some random hooker stripping in front of me
[11/28/11 19:17:06 ] Jessica : ew
[11/28/11 19:24:08 ] Julie : LOOL
[11/28/11 19:24:11 ] Julie : why not
[11/28/11 19:24:12 ] Julie : ;)
[11/28/11 19:24:16 ] Julie : what if they are a sexy hooker
[11/28/11 19:24:16 ] Julie : ;)
[11/28/11 19:24:17 ] Julie : LOOl
[11/28/11 19:24:42 ] Jessica : LOL
[11/28/11 19:24:45 ] Jessica : hookers have std
[11/28/11 19:24:46 ] Jessica : no thanks
[11/28/11 19:52:11 ] Julie : DUDE
[11/28/11 19:52:14 ] Julie : I TOLD U TO
[11/28/11 19:52:21 ] Julie : WATCH THM STRIP INSTEAD OF
[11/28/11 19:52:27 ] Julie : waiting for hsj and those
[11/28/11 19:52:28 ] Julie : famous ppl
[11/28/11 19:52:32 ] Julie : NOT GO HAVE SEXUAL
[11/28/11 19:52:35 ] Julie : INTERCOURSE WITH THEM
[11/28/11 19:52:36 ] Julie : LOOL
[11/28/11 19:52:41 ] Julie : U CANT GET STDS FROM LOOKINAT THEM
[11/28/11 19:52:42 ] Jessica : OR DO ALL THOSE CRAP
[11/28/11 19:52:43 ] Julie : LMAOOO
[11/28/11 19:52:44 ] Jessica : LOLOLO
[11/28/11 19:52:45 ] Jessica : YEAH
[11/28/11 19:52:47 ] Jessica : STD ON MY EYE
[11/28/11 19:52:55 ] Julie : LMAOO
[11/28/11 19:52:57 ] Julie : ur soo gay
[11/28/11 19:52:57 ] Julie : !
[11/28/11 19:53:19 ] Jessica : IM NOT GAY
[11/28/11 19:53:19 ] Jessica : :@
[11/28/11 19:53:27 ] Jessica : IM A COOL DAWG
[11/28/11 19:55:25 ] Julie : LOOL
[11/28/11 19:55:28 ] Julie : alright buddeh !
[11/28/11 19:56:54 ] Jessica : hmph

Friday, November 25, 2011

Ice Skating

Ice skating was very fun today with the crew. The last time I went ice skating was in year 8 so I was freaked out a lot. I wouldn't let Winnie out of my sight and held her hand to the point where it went purple O.o OH oh oh and I didn't fall down at all :P Stupid Jolly, Vi and Sophia tried to trick me into falling over but my balance is too good :P

I also made lots of sound effects like oooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo and WINNIEEEEEEEEEEEEE COME BACKKKKKKKKK. I can't skate alone and I can't skate fast, (i.e. Sophia, Jdang, Linda, Alena speed). Lots of Jolly x Vi interactions during the ice skating rink. Vi was tripping and Jolly was trying to hold her back but instead they both fell down. And Jolly posing seductively against the wall and speaking in a sexy, low voice to Vi. ;D

For those who are interested (I know you all are), Jolly and Vi got more things going on during the car ride back home ;D. They both leaned back on their car seat (It wouldn't work for my car seat though) and went to sleep. So I was left sitting there talking to myself. And then! There were lots of touchy stuff going on. I was trying to poke Vi's belly button and Jolly was like, "Go on, you can touch Vi all over and lift her shirt up. I give you permission." But I rejected Jolly's lovely offer and told her to lift Vi's shirt up herself... AND SHE DID! OOOOOOOOOO CHO SCANDALOUS!!!

And this comes from the good old third-wheel again. :( I'll bring my Ryutaro fan with me next time! I WON'T BE ALONEEEEEEEE. LONELYYYYY I AM SO LONELYYY ALL ON MY OWNNNNN

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Gotta read this hahaha.

There are some strange people these days... I feel sorry for the son.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Husky & Cooro Lineart

Yess!! I've finished the lineart from the draft. Oh gawd it took me HOURS to get this right, since there was no "line" tool =3=

I just figured it out.

"Figured what out?"

How to draw Jolleh's logo. :D

The above is a picture by It's a fish prostitute.


Breaking in

Last night I was still at grandmothers house at 10 something cause my mum and aunties haven't finished making chive buns. I was frustrated cause I couldnt go home yet and I went upstairs to chill in my aunties room.

I was talking on the phone when I heard these thumping noises. At first I thought it was my cousin coming to visit and went to his old room to get something. But the noises continued and I got suspicious. I walked out of the room slowly and looked at the doors. No cousin. Then I looked at the window and there was this shadow of a guy TRYING TO BREAK IN ! He was trying to take the fly screen off. I was kinda scared and didn't know what to do. I was thinking of things to say, such as imma call the police and that .. but at the end I decided to sneak right up to the window ( He couldn't see me the binds were drawn) and banged on it really hard screaming AYYYE!

The guy prolly got a mini heart attack and leaped off the balcony of my grandmas double story house. He had 2 other ppl with him. I was probably guarding the front door and the other maybe ready to support the guy on the bottom. They ran and got on their motorbike that was parked in the neighbour's driveway. They actually took forever to run away. They were like there reving and then drove off.

Bloody hell! That was scary. I shouted at them out of anger while they drove off. They looked like they were sorta looking at me. :@ Bloody thugs I hope the police catch them or they fall and die :@

Husky & Cooro

I gotta say, really proud of how this came out. This is just a sketch, hence why you can you the construction lines and mistakes. I found drawing Husky a lot easier than I expected. Looks like my strength lies in the characters positioned in that angle.. however.. with Cooro, it was sooo frustration! I had to redraw his face soooo many times, and his hair is so messed up, as you can see ahaha =) Doesn't matter, just a rough sketch for now. I'll fix them both up and colour them tomorrow (I mean.. later today)

Oh, if you're wondering, this is from the manga +Anima by Natsumi Mukai

This is the link of the same picture, but to my dA :

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dear Blog Authors

Please comment here, what your "icon" or "logo" or whatever picture that symbolises you would be, so I have an idea of it. And if you can, send me an email or a picture of it or something.. like iunno google an image what it looks. Also, what are the dimensions for a blogger heading and background? I need to know that as well xD

Oh, and I need to know your favourite colours too :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

To: Everyone :)

Testing out tablet

So, this is the very first thing I did when I got my tablet, and to my surprise, it was heaps easier to use that I thought. When I tried out Sa's one, I couldn't draw properly AT ALL. However, when I tried it now, it felt like.. idunno.. natural? I think it's because I've drawn with the mouse so much that it was THAT easy to transfer the ability over or something LMAO I DUNNO. But anyways, here's how it looked the very first time I tried it out.

Then, I played around with it a bit more, trying out the tools and all. Oh yeah, I don't have photoshop, so I'm using Paint Tool Sai and it's pretty good :)

SOOO after all the time playing around, I decided to test it out the layers, and here's another pic.

Sonii sleeping =)

And after that, I decided to test out shading and other stuff, so I made this pic. (The dog is cookie, and the kid, is actually a girl LOL but yeahh)



=) Might as well make her my new OC! So.. now a need a name for her. Any suggestions? :)

Ahhh.. she has no shirt because... I forgot.. and I can't draw clothes.. so like yeah.. wasn't bothered to add clothes. Hands are.. ughh.. I can't draw hands xD



Eww they look so disgusting and scary, I think I'd faint if I saw one of these swimming towards me D: I'm soo bored these holidays... looking at random news. I should do something useful with my spare time :L Even though school has finished I still feel kinda guilty for not doing anything productive XD

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Othordontics and Sa's place.

So, today I went orthodontics to tighten my braces, it was delayed for a month, so that was 3 months lol. Anyways, got it tighten, and I chose light blue this time, instead of white :) The white stained SO MUCH from all the food I ate ahahah =)

After that, Roger picked me up and drove me to Sa's house, where I delivered her some cake and stayed stil 6 to watch anime, with Michee ;D Lookin good as ever ehehehe (: Sa got me some instant noodles, and DAYUM it was SPICY ahaha lol. Ate it all though. The water tasted very nice too ;D

And so, I came home.. to find the BAMBOO PEN sitting on my table!! AAWWYEAAHH I unpacked it and all and yeah.. it's SO SEXY! And I turned on the desktop, and this was what I found.

lol. yeah.. now I'm gonna install the bamboo pen and like.. play around with it, then clean up my room a little and prepare for tmr. Angela Lai and Jessica Dang are coming over to waste time with me cause they're so bored LOL =D

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Deh Aur Sum Kon Voh!

Sophia says (11:19 PM):
*sum ting rong wit mai lap top
WEEEE ~ says (11:19 PM):
WEEEE ~ says (11:20 PM):
*wai duh pro blem
Sophia says (11:20 PM):
*I dun noe
*did u sai sum ting aft der ai lef?
WEEEE ~ says (11:20 PM):
*i dun re mum bah
WEEEE ~ says (11:21 PM):
*ka ka ka
Sophia says (11:21 PM):
*wai u so stoo pid eh?
WEEEE ~ says (11:21 PM):
Sophia says (11:21 PM):
WEEEE ~ says (11:21 PM):
*ek koot me. wai u cor me stoo pid? u duh cuc meo
*yeah idk
Sophia says (11:22 PM):
WEEEE ~ says (11:22 PM):
Sophia says (11:24 PM):
*Yu mek mi veh ri en gri u no? I wan 2 slep ur cuc chay
WEEEE ~ says (11:24 PM):
Sophia says (11:24 PM):
WEEEE ~ says (11:24 PM):
WEEEE ~ says (11:25 PM):
*im duh sor ri bay beh. dat rai. kip on tuch ing. ur hend smeo like duh cuc chay tew.
Sophia says (11:29 PM):
*Oh eet is oh kai. Me en yu ken smew da sem ye oh kai bay beh?
WEEEE ~ says (11:29 PM):
Sophia says (11:30 PM):
WEEEE ~ says (11:30 PM):
*/le sobs
Sophia says (11:30 PM):
*No! Yu ken nut dai! If yu dai I ken nut tuch yu cuc hay face! :(
WEEEE ~ says (11:31 PM):
*but moar teeearz = moar water = moar cuc chay
WEEEE ~ says (11:32 PM):
*ee ven bet tah 4 u
Sophia says (11:33 PM):
*Oh kno! I em so stu ped! Yes! Crai sum moar! I lyk eet veh ry chay-ey. eet is moar wurm 2!
WEEEE ~ says (11:33 PM):
*moar ga weeen ;D
WEEEE ~ says (11:34 PM):
*i feel sick now
Sophia says (11:34 PM):


[9:03:26 PM] Julie/Jolly: okay
[9:03:29 PM] Julie/Jolly: HAVE I NICE SHOWER
[9:03:30 PM] Julie/Jolly: do u
[9:03:32 PM] Julie/Jolly: want me to help u
[9:03:33 PM] Julie/Jolly: ??
[9:03:34 PM] Julie/Jolly: ;)
[9:03:35 PM] 바이: yeah
[9:03:36 PM] 바이: can u scrub my back
[9:03:39 PM] Julie/Jolly: oh really
[9:03:41 PM] Julie/Jolly:  okay
[9:03:42 PM] Julie/Jolly: LMAOO
[9:03:43 PM] Julie/Jolly: hyow
[9:03:44 PM] Julie/Jolly: uh
[9:03:44 PM] Julie/Jolly: romantic
[9:03:45 PM] Julie/Jolly: vi
[9:03:46 PM] Julie/Jolly: then m
[9:03:46 PM] 바이: it has lots of skid marks
[9:03:48 PM] Julie/Jolly: wrecks it
[9:03:51 PM] Julie/Jolly:  LMAOOOO
[9:03:52 PM] Julie/Jolly: I KNEW IT
[9:03:55 PM] 바이: lik i cant reach it
[9:04:01 PM] Julie/Jolly: DUDE
[9:04:01 PM] Julie/Jolly: DO U SHIT
[9:04:03 PM] Julie/Jolly: UPSIDE DOWN
[9:04:04 PM] Julie/Jolly: LOOOL
[9:04:05 PM] Julie/Jolly: UHAVE SKID
[9:04:06 PM] Julie/Jolly: WHATS WHY
[9:04:08 PM] Julie/Jolly: MARKS
[9:04:11 PM] Julie/Jolly: ON UR BACK
[9:04:12 PM] Julie/Jolly: LMAOOO
[9:04:12 PM] Julie/Jolly: AHAHAHA
[9:04:25 PM] 바이: coz i was having explosive diarrhoea
[9:04:28 PM] Julie/Jolly: ewww
[9:04:31 PM] 바이: and it rebounded off the toilet seat
[9:04:33 PM] Julie/Jolly: EXPLOSIVE INDEED
[9:04:34 PM] 바이: and onto my back
[9:04:34 PM] Julie/Jolly: LMAOOO
[9:04:38 PM] Julie/Jolly: GAG
[9:04:39 PM] Julie/Jolly: DUDE
[9:04:41 PM] Julie/Jolly: I JSUT ATE
[9:04:42 PM] Julie/Jolly: WTF MAN
[9:04:43 PM] Julie/Jolly: I feel
[9:04:44 PM] 바이: HAHAHHA
[9:04:44 PM] Julie/Jolly: sick now
[9:04:52 PM] Julie/Jolly: omg

Party Snack

So.. this is the snack part for the party. Yeah.. not healthy but oh well XD There's a few variety of soft drinks. The only thing I'm missing is the water bombs, because woolies ran out. I'll get it tmr morning =)

Other snacks that my mum is making is spaghetti, spring rolls and I dunno what else she's up to so yeah! Basically if you're hungry, there's always food around. I'm looking forward to the BBQ because there's gonna be mussels!!! I hope tomorrow turns out good!! ^.^


And this is Jess's true self.. :O

Teenage Sonii

Was doing this when T.W.B.M and Jessica was at my house hanging around. Damn my house is so boring!! Ahaha anyways, T.W.B.M gave me some tips on blending using the softing tool, which I have never tried before. Tested it on the grey shadow/background and I gotta say.. it was FUN! Looks sooo cool ahahah :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Last night was our year 12 formal.

Got ready at Sophia's house, waiting a very long time for Diana to arrive and then Sophia's parents drove us there.

Anyway, arrived there and thought I'll be tall but still, I remained short with my heels on. Jamie and Kieran were ridiculously tall, even though I have heels on. AND HOW DARE SEXY JOLLY WEAR HIGHER HEELS THAT I DID >=O

Oh by the way, sexy Jolly lives up to her name "Sexy Jolly" and Megan had really nice hair, Sophia is just simply hot and if I was a guy, I would tap Vi - I may or may not be joking.

I did not really enjoy the food that much. But Megan, Jolly and I kept swapping food.

Dancing was fun! But my legs kill...... Megan, Libby, Mishfish and Jenny were so high on the dance floor. Too bad Jolly, Vi and I were to tired to dance towards the end of the night. I couldn't even walk properly :(

During the night, some of us (Sophia, Jolly, Sa, Lindo, Angela, Alena, Jdang, Brittany, Megan + her baby ;D and I) were outside under the "full moon" and mucked around.

And that's probably all I could recall... besides the "Jessica is a slut" remarks and also the "I have self respect/dignity"

Also, who would have realised that the nails would have been the most complimented part of me for formal?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Day

AWWWYEAAHHHH This is by far one happy day for me ... until it was ruined by not being able to find my Phone charger's cable... BUT ANYWAYS

I woke up at 9am and started studying for hospo, then my mum came in and told me she's taking me to cut the back of my hair. My hair was growing longer, but the back part looked like it was growing out into a tail so yeah. Anyways, I showered, and we went to the hair salon, and instead of just cutting off the back.. I GOT TO DYE MY HAIR!! OMFG~!!! My dad literally forbid me to EVER dye my hair, but the hair dressers all told my mum that lighter hair colour would match me more, and bring out the shine of my hair, and it'll look healthier and all, and my mum agreed. I swear I could not stop smiling. Having given permission to dye my hair, I asked them to make it "natural ash" =) And they did. It turned out lighter than I expected, a lot more brown but daayyuummm, I like it ^.^ And so, I went and got a haircut too, changed the style around and it's back to being short! My head no longer feels heavy. I don't think I can ever have long hair again... I don't miss it at all =P

So what else happened? My wireless usb adapter came!! So I quickly installed it with the mini CD that came, and BAM! I HAVE INTERNET ON MY DESKTOP!! HUZZAH!!!! *Dances* I started moving files over with Danny's usb that I still have (For about 2 years now. I should really give it back lol) but I soon got annoyed of putting the usb from the laptop to the desktop to the laptop back into the desktop over and over again, so I took my dad's hard drive. Now I don't have to put up with a heating laptop (God knows why it heats up so much)

All I gotta do now, is wait for my wireless keyboard to come, then buy the extension cable and usb port hub :) Once I brought everything I need over to my desktop, I shall reboot my laptop and give it to my lil bro, then.. GAME ON!!

One minor problem, is that I'm not used to my desktop monitor. It's so big compared to my laptop and when I use the internet.. there's too much space! :s I like space but like.. yeah.. gonna take a while to get used to. At least I have a big screen when I play games ehehehhehe ;)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mixed emotions

All the hype and excitement about formal has ceased for me... I don't even look forward to going anymore. Soo you're not the only one that's not excited Jessica :P Now I'm just going for the sake of going. And also, final exam on Friday! I am also not exicted about that either =/ Maybe it's because all my harder exams finished last week. Right now I'm just like mehh at everything =/

But I know one thing I'm still excited about:

KPOP CONCERT WOOOOOHOOO :D Which is on this Saturday hehehehe I can't wait to see the Hallyu stars live!! XDD I definitely have to bring my glasses for a clearer view hahhaha

I'll see you at the stadium! :D

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Annoying calls

Well recently and especially today ... there have been many phone calls to my house. Today there was abt 4 calls, 1 was a family member.

On the 4th call, I had just finished lunch and went to pick it up. I heard nothing on the other line, said hello like 2 or 3 times then hung up. As soon as I hung up, they called again. So I picked it up and said hello again- but no reply. I got agitated but decided to keep my cool. Instead of hanging up, I held the phone and waited for them to hang up ... after realising that their prank did not work ( ie. did not get the desired response)

They call another time and I decided to stay silent for a few seconds then said: "Oh you can keep calling and waste your money. Don't worry I have all day."

After that, they never called again.

Owned :)


Yesterday I went with my ' motherrrrrr' ( Say's in this monotonic voice- Does that word fit in the right context? loool) to Central to buy stock (Parents own clothes shop). IT WAS VERYY HOTTT.

And you know what ? My mum is like a person that would stop walking abruptly and go into a store without telling me. LOOL So since I walk slightly faster than my mum, I had to make the EXTRAA EFFORT to turn around ahaha. I make myself sound like a lazy obese person.

After we finished, we went to get slushies. The line was abnormally long and I wanted to stuff it, but my mum said to buy it anyways, since we were already there. TURRNNSS OUT THAT IT WAS SLUSHIE DAY OR 7/11 DAY! SO EVERYONE GOT A FREE SLUSHIE :D

ehehehe It was very nice and refreshing :D The train went without us just as we got up the stairs to get to platform 19. IT CLOSED ON MY FACE *Says in Jessica's tone* HOW RUDE !

We got back to cabra and then the raining started a while later.

SOO today I went to school to return my laptop. I was supposed to sell my books to these 2 ppl but they stood me up! :(  I had 2 heavvyy textbooks and another book and some paper work .I HAD TO WALK ALL THE WAY HOME WITH THE STUFF AND NO MONEY IN RETURN. .

Next time when they get it off me, I should make them pay compensation for doing that to me.! looool

Right now .. I can tell that today is going to be a very ... sticky day :(
I bet this is the sun's real motive !

Friday, November 4, 2011


Yay! I finally finished my HSC! Physics paper was alright. The calculations were abit weird and some of the multiple choice was sorta tricky.

I've been yay-ing and super happy to finish, counting down and all. I'm so excited that I say to mum in an ecstatic tone: "ONE MORE DAY MUM ONE MORE DAYY!! :) " and she replies: "mmm"
( the azn way to say okay) ahaha

BUTTT NOW THAT IM SITTING HERE, IM NOT THAT HAPPY AS I WAS BEFORE.. YOU KNOW WHYYY ? Of course you don't. Well Mrs Hamama was going through the paper like briefly afterwards and was like did u do this ? did u do this ? and what sucks is what she did/said was not what I did :( There goes a possible band 6 for me in physics :( But it's okay as long as I get a band 5. I'm happy. (I'll be very happy to get a mid- band 5)

Well.. now I have to read chinese now for chinese school 2morrow. :( *boohoohoooo*

Tuesday, November 1, 2011





Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sonii The Border Collie

Not much going on here. This is just an outline of my Fursona, the only marking visible is his three spots near his rear end xD You'll notice he has no eyes... this is just outline and stuff, and I'm not sure about the eyes. I'll do it next time.

I'll get this digitalised individually in a few weeks :)

Sonii is a Border Collie, and his colours are white, blue and green. 7 months of age :D

This took me 2 hrs to do.. that's how hard it was LOL 
Well, I'll be making the fursuit with my fursona here, not with that other one because it's not original enough. Coliander is just like.. a normal border collie lol XD I'll stick with this one because he's my original character so yeahhh... I just need to colour him! Waiting to get photoshop off michee and my tablet, so I can draw and edit him on comp =)

EDIT: Here we go, did a quick colour test using dAmuro. I'm getting annoyed using that. It's lagging like crazy!! So this is him coloured :) Very simple lol. He still keeps the Border Collie pattern, so hopefully people can tell he's a border collie, just with unique colours. (Yes I know.. I made him my fav colours lmao)

(Changed the ear around) :3
I hope I can finish the fursuit of him in time for April 2012. No not for halloween but for the Bad Apple Dance with Michee and others :) Hopefully, that day isn't hot as hell. And when he's finished, I'll be wearing him to anime conventions and stuff teehee!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Remember it ;D

So like.. yeaahh I have a youtube account, well I have 2 actually, but I deleted the old one. I dunno if some of you know, but some people form my group would've known it as "DiminutiveChild" Same name as my very 1st blogspot account. Anyways, I moved the 2 vids I had from that into my new and permanent youtube account. Just letting you guys know cause after hsc, I'll be working on piano songs and uploading them onto my channel, after I buy myself a decent camera :) No, I do not have a camera, so I'm just gonna go look for a camera that's good for recording XD So bookmark this or keep the link somewhere!! Cheers and good luck studying. I'll be up all night half crying half studying for Bio :(

Weird Noises

So like for the past few days .. or maybe weeks, I've noticed that whenever I moved my laptop, something inside would be sliding along it...

I thought maybe something inside the laptop had fallen off and didn't know what to do, so I left it.

Just then, I complaining to my dad and he was like: "Stop moving it around you're gonna break it !" So I stopped and left it on the table and went to get water. Later my dad noticed something sticking out of the disc drive .. I went to check AND IT WAS THE SIDE OF A COINNN !
We took it out and it was a 10 CENT COIN !

Who shoved a coin in my lappy :@

Well anyways, If my laptop could really produce money like that, I'd be rich ahahah

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


STUPID BLOODY NOSEBLEEDS! I had 10 nosebleeds since Sunday... 3 DAYS IN A ROW! And what annoyed me the most was that I had one during Maths exam >_> Thank god I took tissues before the exam started... saved my life. I just finished the multiple choice and started Q23 when I felt the first signs of a nosebleed.. the tickling sensation at the back of your nose... GOD THAT WAS SO ANNOYING! I had to hold the tissue there for at least 10 minutes straight. Couldn't roll the tissue to shove up my nose because I only had one free hand.. and it takes too long with one hand anyways. Didn't bother cause I didn't want to waste any second.. since I'm incredibly slow at maths.

SO YEAH. I think I went.. good. I dunno. I hope I get mid to high band 4. I'll pray for the result LOL. Anyway, I started this post to complain about nosebleeds, and continue I shall. my 11th nosebleed now. 12:13am, the start of a new day. Wednesday morning. I get a nosebleed. WTF!! The worse things about my recent nosebleed is.. that I'm getting rreeeeaalllyyy tired, even if I sleep the recommended 8 hrs. Tired, and weak. I feel so weak. I'm loosing weight too.. and I'm already underweight! I worked (or ate) so hard to gain 1kg. Now it's gone. I might even drop down to 39kgs if this keeps happening...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I am so angry >:{ Damnn Tracey took my formulae sheet and never gave it back =__________="

Saturday, October 22, 2011


AWW YEAHHH! This is only the front. I'll work on the back and sides once I get my hands on photoshop, and preferably after exams are over :)

Wondering what this is? It's a reference for my fursuit. I'll be making her in December. Yes, the Border Collie is a girl, and her name is Coliander, my character =) 
Ok so Coliander doesn't look female, I'll probably add like.. a bow somewhere after I finish making her.. or something like that. She's a puppy btw XD Hence the big eyes and puppy-like head ^^ (Doesn't show her tail cause it looks weird lol)

You guys can check out my dA, but there's not much stuff on there :3

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

One Eyed Shark

Eww check out this shark:

it looks so creepy *shivers*

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Good Luck for your exams everyone! I know you'll do great ;)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

New Pet

Look guysss!

I got a turtle :D

Hrmm.. what should i name him

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Jessica *shakes head*

Jessica says: (10:29:07 PM)
ok ima go sleep

Jessica says: (10:29:11 PM)
like a sexy boss

Julie says: (10:29:32 PM)
urh noo

Julie says: (10:29:33 PM)
not cool

Julie says: (10:29:36 PM)
u are not sexy

Julie says: (10:29:36 PM)

*Major facepalm* LOOOL ! Jessica I'm sry to shatter ur hopes and aspirations, but you're not anywhere near a sexy boss LOOOOLL
I dunno why I found this funny enough to post on the blog

Angela's Birthday Party

Went to Angela's birthday party today! (Fellow blog crew members Jolly and Sophia were also present). It was so fun and tiring.

Rocked up at around 12.30 after church and Michee, Jolly, Sophia, Sa and Jdang were already there. Lindo came not long after me. In the middle of the living room there was a huge pile of notes (English, Geography and Economics). I had to sort through them all because Jdang were giving them to me and Brittany.

Went to eat, the food was so nice! I especially loved the pasta. I wore wedges today so I was trying to compare my height with Sa. We'll compare again during formal. I sat on a really small chair, so Sophia was above me.

After eating we went back inside to play Wii. I wasn't allowed to play until I sorted out all the notes. Lovely Jdang was nice enough to help me go through them all.

Started playing Mario Kart! As usual I suck. Lindo and I were in a team and we both kept losing. First I started blaming the characters because they weren't good enough for me, but later I came up with the excuse that I was just "cruising around."

After Mario Kart we played a game called something something Brawl. It was basically just keyboard smashing. I sucked too and my character was Jigglypuff who's supposed to be.... awesome? Then Sa disappeared off to go to church.

I was on a roll for tennis on Wii Sports though. Apparently I was dangerous and extremely aggressive? My arm is so sore right now. During then Therese arrived so we went outside to eat again (or should I say, watch her eat). We all talked a bit, it's nice to catch up. But Lindo had to go :(

Back inside and it was cake time. The cake was so yummy! Angela has the sweetest family ever! Everyone is so nice. Took photos and stuff. Jdang was given a son called Timothy (balloon blown by me and given to life by Alena). Then I was bored and started getting balloons and spanking people with it. Except to Sa, Angela and Michee, can't mess with them.

Overall, my arms hurt and I had a very great day! So nice to catch up with everyone after graduation :D

Sophia's Edit: When Jessica and Jolly left, the rest of us had more nibbles on the food, where we talked and complained about the hsc, especially about english orals how the teacher's were being subjective instead of objective (For the advance classes) We then went back inside and played DANCE CENTRAL on Angela's cousins xbox? I think it was his. Iunno.. BUT IT WAS FUN! Didn't join in at first because I didn't want to look like a fool, but then everyone was having a go so I went, and we got Therese to dance! You guys missed the highlight of the night lmao! It was epic! I want that game now.. it's not xbox exclusive, and there's a high chance it'll come out on ps3 hehehehe ;D

Oh, there was one time when Jess made me laugh so much, part of the cake from my mouth fell onto Jolly's thighs, where she described it was "moist and wet", which then nearly made Therese lost her appetite (I think) AHAHA I took a tissue and furiously cleaned her thighs, where she then stated something along the lines of me harassing/feeling her thighs? Iunno. You can edit it Jolly LOL.

That cake was DAMN NICE!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cityrail Catastrophe

Soo this morning I was suppose to catch the train to ffld at 9.14am, which i missed because I was taking my sweet time to get ready and didn't keep an eye on the time. I stayed home until 9.25 (was suppose to go a bit earlier but I was walking around in my home... doing god knows what :L) to get the 9.32 train. I powerwalked/jogged to the train station and quickly bought my ticket. I quickly looked down from the bridge to see if any train was coming and didn't see any. So I walked down the bridge to the other side of the station a bit slower with more ease and was relieved when I saw the time 9.31 on the platform. I was standing.. and standing there waiting for the train but no train came at 9.32 But there was one that came at 9.38 and I thought that the train I was suppose to catch came late, so I got onto the train thinking that it was the right one (without checking >__>). Just a bit before the doors closed, the intercom announced: "Next stop Carramar" I WAS  :O But I tried to think optimistically and convinced myself that the train would stop at ffld. But noo... after Carramar, it was Villawood ==' Then I knew it was definitely not the right one. Aigoo... After the train stopped at Villawood I got off and went straight to the train timetables. Unfortunately there was no train that went directly to ffld so I had to goo all the way back to cabra again! Where I started. ==' I was soo pist, wasting so much time because the train to Cabra required a 20 min. wait >:{

After the train finally came, I got on and headed to Cabra. The train stopped on platform 1! and THe train to ffld on platform 2 was already nearing and preparing to stop. So as soon as the doors opened I sprinted like a maniac to the other side of the station. Fortunately, there were a lot of ppl getting on the train soo it didn't leave straight away. I managed to get on just in timee before the doors closed :) (Also didn't check where this train was going to, just assumed because there were a lot of ppl getting on, haha I just never learn my lesson :P)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Zomgg, just got hersheys chocolate from costco today.

Its soo goood XDD It just melts in your mouth.

1.47 kg of choc! XD im gona become a fatty.
My favourite is milk chocolate with toffe and almonds :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Breaking Dawn

Coming out on the 18th of November! Can't wait! XDD

There's a thin line between the dark side and the light side.

Baby tonight. ~(8)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Angela's belated 18th surprise birthday outing

Soo the day started with Linda picking me up at almost 6, when she said 5.30! :P Quote by Michelle when she called me: "Vi, get out now" ==' Howw rude. So I came out and boarded the death trap hahha Jokes :} Linda's driving skills... was unique :L She drove over roundabouts instead of going around it and also drove in the middle of the road. We then drove to Angela's house to pick her up, Michelle: "Hey Angela, can you come out now, we're outside your house" LOOL How different is her tone towards Angela compared to her attitude towards me >__> It was around 6 something then and it was getting dark, so Linda had to turn on her headlights. But unfortunately, it wasn't working LOL. Only the high beam lights were working, and we couldn't drive around with high beam or else we'll blind everyone. Soo... we drove around in the dark without headlights and went to Linda's friend's house hoping he could fix it. He got it in one go. Linda didn't push in or turn something so the headlights didn't turn on. Looking stupid, we departed and drove to Santo's. Went into the restaurant and waited for others to arrive. Soon after, Slim, Angela and Tracey arrived. Spent around 2.5 hrs in the restaurant, with most of that time waiting for people to arrive.

After dinner, we went to bowling! That was funn :) We only had time for one game because it was around 9 something then and it was getting late. Being a superstar at bowling, I of course was leading :) Towards the end, everyone got jealous with my awesome bowling skills and they decided to hide the green balls ==' Which were the balls that I always used. Soo.. I had to make do with the other balls, I chose a heavier ball. That was fail, I only ended up knocking one pin down :( Ah wells, it was a fun night :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Something more interesting than HEY SAY JUMP !

Ahemm! *clears throat* Well today was supposed to be a relaxing saturday at home, chillin with my computer.... BUT, I had to go to a surprise party thang for my retiring chinese teacher.

I walked to the library in the morning whilst waiting for my friend to pick me up. I called Jessica like before i left my shop, and she said she was 'walking to the library now.' Bulll to the shit. I got there before her ! (my shop is like near gloria jeans) *shakes head* AI ya Jessica is suuchh a slow walker !

Well I sorta attempted to write short notes for Billy Elliot but Jesssicaaa wouldn't stop talking. I understand why Stefani says it's hard to study with us. and what did she talk abt ?? you guessed it ! BEBE ! her 'boyfriend' who is a girl. *Ai ya Jessica is so sad* She then nagged me to post something ... so here u go Jessica! are u happy ? :)

My friend finally came and I left Jessica to study ALLLL BYY HERSELF ! (muahahahaha)
The surprise thang was held at Auburn RSL. The teachers and little kids performed-singing and dancing, it was quite amusing to see actually ahaha. It was especially funny when they were dancing to 'I want nobody but you', which was a chinese version.

After that there was a buffet lunch, which mainly consisted of azn food. But there was icecream at the end ! :) Oh yea then later I went to the toilet and as i was walking back out.... some person in the cubicle chucked a number 4 uhhh! Looks like the food they ate didn't mix well.

So that's the end of my rant.. tell me guys ... was my post more interesting to read than Jessica's ??

- Short and succinct, not a long essay.
- Something people can relate to.
- And AWESOME cause I wrote it. :) :P

Friday, September 23, 2011

Graduation tomorrooowww

and it's like 3am and I'm still awake. Sooo gonna fall asleep during graduation tomorrow. :B But I guess it's just a day where I go and get my shitty report. And yeah, it's the end of high school. Evidently it hasn't hit me yet. Lolols.


Thursday, September 22, 2011


Megan went to cabra with me after Bio Stuvac, and we visited the fish shop, and spent half an hour there... I was struggling to make a decision because I couldn't take my eyes of one particular Betta... Although he is the same type as Fire (Crowntail) He was... SO SEXY! So, I bought him. I do not have a tank for him, so for now, he'll have to make do with the biggest take-away I could fine, at least it's heaps bigger than the ones the shops keep them in. Anyways, he can swim up and down in this one :) Happy fella, he's more active than Fire! And yeah, Megan named him Water, cause he's mostly blue :)

After this, we went to Eva's Nail Salon (Family friend's) and Megan got her nails done! =D I stayed with her for 2 hours there, then I had to leave her because my dad was there :(

Jenga's cats and dogs. :3

Patrickkk!! <3

Yuki <3

Florence <3

Ryutaro <3

Stella <3

David <3

Tania (mummy cat) <3

And of course, 

There's more but I didn't get the chance to take pictures of all of them. THEY WOULDN'T SIT STILL! (You need to train these super models Jenga!)


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Here's the Crowntail Siamese Fighting Fish!! And my new tank setup :) I'd like to say.. THANK THE HOLY PILLOWS that Fire is a nice boy. He's getting along fine the male guppy, which means guppy can stay!! =)

- Incarii

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Graduation Mass 2

LOLL @ at Marion blowing HOT wax on Natalie's leg hahhaha

What a pleasant evening! :)


Smile! Don't know how? Just copy this li-oOl doggie =)